Knowing More About Forfeiture And Bail Bonds

Author: Emily Stone

When it comes to legal concerns, one of the most common ones that many people encounter is bail bond forfeiture. It can be actually hard to understand especially if you do not have any experience yet about facing legal cases. This is truly how it goes when you or a friend or relative gets caught, you have the option to pay with your own money in order to secure a temporary release. However, if you do not possess plenty of money to pay for a short-term release, you can go to a business that provides bail bonds.

A bail bond is a type of insurance that compels the defendant to agree and follow the terms set forth by the court. A bail bond can be a particular amount of cash or value of a house that is usually established by the court in order to make sure that the accused goes to court on the dates scheduled. But what does forfeiture mean? Learn more about this from the legal benefits themselves.

As what many lawyers and legal specialists claim, bond forfeiture relates to the encasement of the promise by the beneficiary under the conditions of the agreement. If the defendant does not go to the court on the planned dates, it is certainly the duty of the bail bond business to pay any remaining sum credited.

When bonds are forfeited, the money cannot be refunded. Instead, these become the possession of the jury who are allocated to that case. There are variations among bail bond forfeitures. If the case is tried as a criminal case, the failure of the accused to appear during scheduled hearings leads to the forfeiture of the bond. If the case is tried as a civil case, bond forfeiture will suggest that a particular right of the defendant is normally deprived or ruined as a result, to ensure that the terms of the agreement are adopted.

Bond forfeiture does not simply happen since the defendant fails to appear in court. Rather, the defendant must 1st clarify his or her failing to attend the planned hearing date. If the accused neglects to provide a valid reason, the judge will issue a warrant of detaining. Now, if the defendant goes into hiding and/or cannot be found when the warrant is normally served, the court will after that move forward with the forfeiture of the bond. But aside from the loss of funds that is the outcome of bond forfeiture, failing to show up on scheduled court schedules can undermine the defendant's case. Thus, it is usually very important to know the importance of bail bonds. specialises in providing Bail Bonds in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Ventura County. To know more about our services like Santa Barbara Bail Bonds & Oxnard Bail Bonds, Call 805-641-2245 or Visit now!