A Guide To Identifying Electrical Fire Hazards At Home

Author: Brilliant Homes

It is imperative to prevent electrical fires. Do not miss to check out this quick guide that gets you acquainted with signs of electrical fires and preventive measures.

Electrical fires are something to avoid at all costs. A fire that starts in your electrical work can tear through your home at exponential speed, putting possessions and lives at dire risk. Most home electrical systems are perfectly safe, but shoddy work and deteriorated wiring can prove deadly, so it’s extremely significant to hire a licensed electrical contractor Palo Alto to check the proper functioning of the electrical system at home.

Signs that the wiring is on the fritz

Malfunctioned electrical work like bad wiring or short circuits are accountable for 6% of residential fires in the country. Inspection is required in case of any of the following:

  • Flickering lights – Hopefully, the light is flickering on and off because it’s not screwed in properly, but it could also be a sign that the fixture or wiring elsewhere in the circuit has come loose.
  • Shocks from the electrical work – When you get a shock from touching an electrical appliance, it means electricity is traveling somewhere it shouldn’t, either through a ground fault or wiring fault.
  • Sparks from the outlet – Burning odor, buzzing or sparks coming from the outlets is a strong warning that you need to replace the outlets and update the wiring behind them.
  • Breaker tripping repeatedly – If the circuit breaker trips occasionally, it probably just means you plugged in too many things at once, but the same breaker flipping over and over could be a sign of a more serious issue.

You need to have a professional electrical contractor in Palo Alto to inspect your house if any of these issues are encountered.

Preventive measures to keep your family safe
  • Throw away any appliances, plugs, or cords that are frayed, worn or otherwise malfunctioning. Avoid plugging too many devices into a single circuit, power strip or outlet.
  • Make certain that you have ground fault circuit interrupters installed in any outlets that could potentially be exposed to water.
  • Upgrade your circuit box to include arc circuit interrupters that can shut down the power instantaneously in the event of an electric arc.
  • Ensure all your wiring is installed by a licensed electrical contractor in Palo Alto using modern materials and that it is up to code.