Why Consider Instagram Over Twitter for Marketing Your Business

Author: Luke Lemke

Social media marketing is all the rage these days, and two of the most popular social media platforms are Instagram and Twitter. Both of them have a huge user base, and both are also very easy to use. But when it comes to marketing your business, you might find Instagram to be more beneficial. Why? Because Instagram’s user base surpasses Twitter’s—which means that you can potentially reach more people with your Instagram post than with your Tweet.

Look at it this way. Twitter is like everybody’s open diary. When stuff happens around the world, be it relevant or not, you can expect people to talk about it on Twitter. Twitter is where you go to when you want to learn something about a tragic incident or breaking news. You don’t go to Instagram to see pictures of it. Twitter is where the updates are. However, many experts and users say that Twitter has become too noisy, and they are right. There’s just so many things going on that it’s hard to get a hold of anybody’s attention. Of course, a well-written Tweet can still generate a lot of engagement, but it’s harder than ever to stand out and get people to pay attention.

Meanwhile, Instagram is receiving a lot of attention these days. This addicting app has been shown to fully engage users. You have probably experienced this yourself. Once you start scrolling on your Instagram feed, it’s hard to stop or to even pay attention to anything else. Each photo on an Instagram user’s feed is given equal attention because the pictures scroll down one by one. A big difference between Instagram and Twitter is that Instagram knows how to keep user attention, whereas Twitter just stays in the background. No one wants to know what everyone else has to say.

For you to be able to market your business effectively, you need attention, attention, attention. There are so many different social media platforms and networks now that it’s hard to keep users focused. But that’s where Instagram is getting it right. However, you need to create strategic posts and have a considerable number of followers. To boost your following, seek the services of a company that will help you engage more users, attract more followers, and creates more relevant content.