Burn Fat More Efficiently using Exercise Bike

Author: You Soon Chen

If your clothes are bursting at the seams and you are short of breath all the time, it is time for urgent change in lifestyle. Getting in shape can be a lot easier than actually imagined. It is a three pronged effort – gentle workouts, change in diet and lifestyle changes. An exercise bike would be the best way to kick off your program to turn healthy and stay away from a hospital emergency.

Peddle your way to loose pants and breathing that is not labored

Regular training is the ideal way to burn the fat efficiently. A gradual increase in speed and sessions with little breaks will help you make the workout more interesting and feasible. Having a go, till complete exhaustion in the first session will end up taking you away from the exercise bike away for long. Make gradual improvements till you experience the results for yourself. You will surely find yourself wanting to spend more time on the bike, eventually peddling away at high speed.

Stationery bikes can take the fat places through TABATA workouts

Exercise bikes come with monitors and different workouts exist to help you keep the fat out. The TABATA workout is a good and scientific way of combating fat. Involving multiple sessions, beginning with a warm up of five minutes, it involves eight repetitions of twenty seconds high intensity, high speed pedalling, with intervals of ten seconds, it is touted to be the flame thrower at fat, swallowing up calories.

Hitting the fat with HIITMost of the workouts on an exercise bike will fetch results, provided sufficient time is spent atop the seat and not beside it. The key is to get faster results and HIIT is another great workout to get the best results. Involving a lengthy warm up and two round of five repetitions, the session concludes with a cooling off. Designed to have maximum impact on fat, the sessions take up around thirty to forty minutes. It is worth to spend this period of time every day as an investment in a healthy future, with the added benefits of looking and feeling good.