Get Rid of Herpes Which is Affecting You

Author: Roger Beal Roger Beal

Herpes simplex virus, the noxious virus, is the one that causes herpes, which is one among the most deadly viruses. These virus usually enter the human body through sexual contacts to cause what is known that the most painful disease. Herpes are usually divided into two categories which are HSVp1 and HSVp2. This virus attacks people who have unprotected sex with random partners. One has to be extremely careful while having sex and have to insist on condoms as protection.

What are the Symptoms?

Herpes sometimes has no symptoms and an affected person gets to know about his medical condition after many years in life. However the basic symptoms of herpes include the following:

  • Red blisters
  • Pain
  • Fever
  • Vaginal discharge etc.

Individuals with these symptoms must visit the doctor immediately and follow some tests prescribed by the paramedics to diagnose this deadly disease.

Where Do the Blisters Appear?

The basic symptom of herpes is blisters and it appears anywhere and everywhere. The most common place where these red blisters usually appear is on the inner walls off vagina including the cervix and in males over the skin of the penis. These blisters have sometimes pus like filling and are very itchy and painful. Some people also get these blisters on and around their mouth damaging their skin.

How to Cure this Disease?

Well, researches have spent decades in finding herpes treatment, but there is no medication that can cure this disease. However there are remedies, following which the spread of this deadly virus can be suppressed. Even after the medication the patient should take great care of his health and sexual activities because an infected patient can spread this virus to his partner or partners. Homeopathy and Ayurveda are some treatment which can be followed to suppress the spreading of this virus. Doctors usually prescribe antiviral drugs to patients with herpes symptoms. These antiviral drugs are said to prevent the spreading of the virus at regular intervals. Research has found that antiviral drugs help suppress these virus with 80% effectiveness. Valtrex HCL is one famous antiviral drug that doctors usually prescribe. Valacyclovir is Valtrex generic name and includes Valacyclovir hydrochloride as an important component.

Itching and discomfort comes with herpes and to prevent these patients can try some home remedies which include soaking. Yes, soaking in hot water with a dash of Epsum salt added to it can relieve the pain and itching. Soars must be cleaned with water and then dabbed dry with a soft cotton cloth. Baking soda is said to facilitate in helping these soars dry. Wearing dry cotton underwear will make the patient feel better. There are some foods like mushroom and tea that are known to have healing effects. One can consult their doctor or dietician to plan their diet char.

Herpes is usually undetected until it has outbreaks. And herpes outbreaks happen only when the patient is subjected to stress and physical trauma. Doctors often suggest herpes patients to try soothing activities like painting, yoga and meditation to prevent these outbreaks.