The Differences - Gas Fireplace vs Electric Fireplace

Author: Helen Reviewer
Choosing a fireplace is a very important decision. A quality fireplace can be extremely expensive, but it's well worth the investment. If you don't have one already, you might think about adding one of these heaters to your home. There are so many types of fireplaces on the market, that it is quite difficult to take the best decision. However, before making any purchase, it's important to know that there are three types of fireplaces to choose from, such as electric, gas and wood fireplaces. You may love the smell of a wood fire, but some homeowners don't want the mess that comes with burning wood, so you may want to consider these aspects. Nowadays, electric fireplaces and gas fireplaces are more convenient than the wood-burning fireplaces. As such, if you are interested in purchasing one of these models, but you don't know what is the right model for you, here is is what you need to know to compare them.

Gas fireplaces

If you want a heater that provides you with a little bit of ambiance and romanticism, the gas fireplaces are exactly what you need. They work like a gas oven, burning either propane or natural gas. As compared to the electric models, these one produce a little bit more carbon monoxide. That's why it's recommended to use a chimney. You can opt for a traditional chimney or you can choose a modern one which is more expensive. It requires professional installation and it cannot be moved from a room to another, so make sure the location is perfect. Since they have a real flame, the gas fireplaces are very hot and can burn anything around. As it was mentioned before these units come with a chimney, so some heat will be lost to the outdoors. What we really like about these models is the fact that they come with a blower that will help you push warm air into the room and a remote control.

Electric fireplaces

Over the last few years, electric fireplaces have become incredibly popular. More and more people prefer them because they do not release pollution into the air. Plus, as compared to the gas models they are much safer, especially if you have kids or pets. Because of the heating element which is mounted inside the product, these units are cool to the touch. In fact, they are constructed of materials that stay cool-to-the-touch. Most of these units use an advanced technology and come with a plethora of impressive features. For example, some models allow you to run the flame without the heat. Most units are equipped with timers that can turn themselves on and off once the timer is set and with a remote control. Since they do not require a chimney, these units can be moved from a room to another without problems. They are portable and extremely durable.

It' important to know both models provide heat but in different amounts. This depends on how much heat do you need. However, a gas unit will provide more heat than an electric device. Gas appliances are generally safe but they are more expensive than the electric unit. Nowadays, most people opt for electric fireplaces as they are less expensive and very easy to install. As compared to the gas models, they do not require a chimney to work properly. One of the most attractive benefits shared by both models is the convenience factor. As it was outlined above, most homeowners these days are extremely busy, tired and stressed, so they don't want to come home and start a fire in the wood fireplace. With these units, all you have to do in order to make your home warm and cozy is push a button. As you can see, both electric and gas fireplaces provide you with plenty of benefits, including convenience, ambiance and low costs. Therefore, in order to make the right decision, carefully weigh the positive and negative aspects of each so you can choose a model that fits for your home.

When you go shopping for a fireplace, make sure you choose a quality unit that will make you feel safe and secure. A fireplace is a home addition that can improve the value of your home, so it's important to opt for one that meets all your requirements and satisfy all your needs.

