Protect Your Granite Countertops from These Dangers

Author: Kevin Smith

When you invest in luxurious granite countertops in Dunwoody, you are probably thinking about functionality as well as visual appeal. This may have something to do with your knowledge of the properties of granite. These include durability, strength, and a resistance to stains and scratches. When the countertop has been sealed by professionals at Granite Direct Warehouse, the surface will be practically impervious to spills and other damage. This doesn’t mean that you can take the surfaces for granted, however.


As with any type of kitchen or bathroom countertops, you should clean up anything that spills onto your granite kitchen countertops in Dunwoody. If water or other liquids are allowed to sit, they can leave a shadowy stain on the granite. This is because granite does absorb moisture and even a good sealant can wear away eventually. If your granite is a light color, be especially careful around red and purple drinks. Sometimes, people use scrubs in rush which harms the beauty and freshness of the countertop.

Chemicals and Acids

Any cleaning or other household products that have harsh, abrasive or acidic ingredients should be used with care around your granite countertops. Any of these substances can leave a residue behind that will wear the protective sealant away. Avoid products such as fingernail polish remover, vinegar, scouring powders and abrasive sponges or pads. The usage of harsh products to clean the tops make it irregular and porous.

Knives, Heat, and Oil

Kitchen countertops are naturally placed in a dangerous environment. Cooking oil that leaks onto the countertop might leak into the countertops. Hot pans are often sent onto these durable surfaces. Sometimes, novice chefs will even cut right on granite countertops. While granite can stand up to these dangers, they will eventually weaken and damage your beautiful shine.

The granite kitchen countertops in Dunwoody homes can increase the value of homes and make these easier to sell. They bring a beautiful appearance that is hard to beat. Protect these surfaces by guarding against the things that can damage them. Talk with representatives from Granite Direct Warehouse to learn more. They will help you in washing your countertops in a better way that does not dent its beauty.