Natural Remedies For Depression In THREE Fold Path
Every person must have experienced some kind of depression at any point of time in his or her life. Depression is expressed like through lethargy, moodiness, reclusiveness, etc in several ways. This state of mind can be due to the imbalances, which can take place either externally or internally. People suffer from internal turmoil due to any past emotional wounds, which remained unresolved at that time. Now the past can be any event that occurred decades ago or even two hours ago. When the body deals with emotional issues, there is no bound of time and even today, a person can feel the same pain remembering a situation, which he or she faced years ago. When some events remain unsolved in your life, then the pain tends to stick and makes the emotions even more toxic. When people neglect such emotions, they build up even more and at some point of time become unbearable for the person. The mental faculties start depleting and a lot of energy gets drained out.
Depression also comes owing to several external and environmental issues like too much work stress, unsatisfied home-life, financial problems and much more. The elimination of these factors is quite essential to minimize depression. However, when to comes to the heart, people behave differently depending on their own perceptions. As per Ayurveda, the capacity of an individual to digest emotions depends on his or her strength of the Sadhaka Agni. People having strong Sadhaka Agni are conscious about their feelings but do not allow them to rule over. On the other hand, people with weak Sadhaka Agni face difficulties in processing their emotions.
The Sadhaka Agni has influence on the neurohormones as well. These cells are there in the heart, brain and spinal cord. On the basis of the strength of the Sadhaka Agni the neurohormones of the heart signal the brain whether to register an emotion as joyful or depressive. Listed below are some ways in which you can strengthen the Sadhaka Agni and control depression:
The Ayurvedic treatment for depression also advises the incorporation of certain herbs which help to alleviate depression:
Yoga practices also work wonders in treating depression. You can practice some these poses on a daily basis to get good results:
You must not detach yourself from nature, as all human beings are part of it. You can absorb many nutrients from nature, which is immensely healing for the body and mind.
The meditation called Smile Inside is one of the most effective Ayurvedic remedies for depression. When you smile internally then a lot of positive energy is established in the body. The smiling meditation brings a lot of peace to the whole being of an individual. You must practice this for about 15 to 35 minutes daily. You can also visit the physician for Ayurvedic medicine for depression, which ensures a faster recovery.
Thus, treating depression is a three-fold path involving strengthening the Sadhaka Agni, herbal remedies and practice of mild yoga and meditation. You can surely feel the difference after incorporating these naturopathic remedies in your life.