Software user acceptance testing checklist

Author: Siva Kumar

Please obtain the list of UAT checklist that is certainly been follow within software industry previous to starting User Popularity testing (UAT). User acceptance testing is most important for a successful release as it is final verification done before going live by business. It insures the product safely much and avoids risk of failure. Most often business users prepared seperate checklist for UAT so that quality assurance testing is verified with their conditions. After deep analysis on the UAT flow listed some of the important items to be thought upon during the user acceptance testing.

  1. Previous to we start UAT, system testing needs to be completed and signed off because of the system testing team so UAT is the answer by the organization users without much issues from the actual build which shall be tested.
  2. Usually previous to starting UAT, test scripts which shall be tested in UAT phase shall be signed off through business analyst so business users which usually do an individual Acceptance Testing (UAT) may execute it and updated final results accordingly with relieve.
  3. Check whether popularity criteria has be defined which the completion in the acceptance test shall be judged.
  4. Check whether or not input data essential for start tests the UAT is actually ready.
  5. Check whether or not acceptance criteria (e. gary the gadget guy. performance, portability, throughput, for example. ) on that your completion of that UAT test shall be judged.
  6. UAT Start in addition to End date needs to be planned according into the production deployment dates and needs to be approved by that management.
  7. Once after UAT sign down only, production deployment should happen which is methodology ought to be followed in almost all releases.
  8. Check the version/connection/configuration regarding UAT environment whether it is related to production.
  9. Check whether UAT Crew is formed well earlier before testing gets going and whether tasks and responsibility in the team is clearly told the users.
  10. Check whether UAT users are content with the test coverage in the test scripts that was prepared for its testing.
  11. Check whether UAT crew must understand that changes made in product and as well take a head role in ensuring the fact that changes are communicated to be able to other users.

Hope the above mentioned critical points gave you the complete picture on the criticality of UAT testing. Find some more valuable information by following the link through uat testing checklist