Exciting Summer Games for People of All Ages

Author: Issac Tyler

Summer is the liveliest of all seasons. The warm weather urges us to leave our homes in search of some fun outdoor adventures. Today, we want to invite you to let your inner child out and engage in some exciting outdoor games. These games are perfect for children and young adults, but also for parents who are looking for a way to bond with their children.

Water games – Let the splashing begin!

The best way to refresh yourself during a torrid summer day is to play some fun water games. The possibilities are endless, and if you lack the props, you can always improvise with what you have around the house. For example, if you don’t have water guns, you can always play with water bottles or with water balloons. In fact, you could even play a water balloon dodgeball. You can also install a water slide and invent some games to make the sliding more exciting. For example, you can play a mirror game and watch as the players try to slide in weird positions. Or you could invent a game where after you get to the end of the slide you have to quickly spin around and then try to score points for your team by throwing a ball in different sized buckets.

Thrilling evening games

If it is too hot to play during the day, you could always try playing in the evening, but you will need some props to light up the environment. For example, you can play flashlight tag. This is rather easy to play: the person who is "it" has to tag the other players by catching them in the flashlight’s beam.

Glow in the dark bowling is another fun game that you can play during the hot summer evenings. For this, you will need some bottles and some glow sticks. Fill the bottles with water and place a glow stick in each bottle.

Last but not least, the Redux Capture the Flag is the ultimate glow in the dark summer game. This game is very affordable and incredibly fun to play. It comes with a kit that contains numerous glowing props, from glowing orbs to glowing bracelets and territory lights. The Redux game follows the mechanics of the initial Capture the Flag game. The main differences are that the classic flag has been replaced with glowing orbs and the two teams differentiate themselves based on the color of their glowing bracelets. Moreover, this game also comes with some additional stories that teach you different ways of playing the game.