Must Have Tools for Passionate Crocheters

Author: Issac Tyler

You might think that the only things that a passionate crocheter needs are yarn and hooks. However, there are different types of yarn and different types of hooks, and choosing the right one requires careful consideration. Moreover, there are also some accessories that can make the crocheting process a lot more enjoyable. So, whether you are an advanced crocheter looking to supplement your tool kit, or you are a beginner crocheter who is searching for quality tools, you will surely find the following lines to be very useful.

1. Yarn

The beauty of crocheting is that it can be performed with any type of fabric, even with fabric scraps. However, the most beautiful projects are those performed with quality yarn, and there are several types of yarn to choose from. For dollies, lace shawls or tablecloths, the best choice is lace yarn. If you want to crochet some baby clothes, you will need super fine yarn. For sportswear or other type of light clothes, you will need fine yarn. For fall and winter clothes, you can choose between light, medium and bulky yarn, depending on how thick and warm you want the garments to be.

2. Hooks

The materials from which the hooks are made of determine their durability, but also how easy it is to work with the hooks. Depending on your needs and your budget, you can choose between plastic, aluminum, and steel crochet hooks. Steel hooks can be very slim and are best suited for meticulous projects with fine thread. Aluminum and plastic hooks work best for bulkier yarn. As far as size goes, each project can have different requirements, and crochet patterns usually come with hook size specifications. The sizes vary from 1 mm to 1,95 mm.

3. A yarn bowl

Whether it is store-bought or improvised at home, the yarn bowl is very useful, as it prevents the tangling, but also the over twisting of the yarn. These bowls are usually made of ceramics or a type of heavy wood, and they feature a twisted opening that guides the yarn. A good yarn bowl will have a heavy base, to prevent the bowl from tipping over when the yarn boll moves inside it.

4. Beginner tools

Crocheting is a meticulous art, and it requires a high attention to details. Beginners often find it hard to focus on all the details that matter, which is why they use some additional tools. For example, a tape measure can help them maintain the right stitch size specified by the pattern. Beginners can also make good use of yarn needles, which are great for weaving the ends of the yarn into a completed project. Stitch markers can also be very helpful. They can be used to mark where one round ends and another one begins, or for marking specific loops that will require additional work in the future.

5. Patterns and books

There are countless types of stitches that you can try, and it is recommended to invest in a quality crochet book that features stitching instructions. You can also find books with crochet patterns, but if you’d rather not spend too much money on books, you can always find free patterns online.