Why Do Most Dentists Advocate Wisdom Teeth removal?
The four wisdom teeth, or the molars, that are located at the far end of the jaw, give many dentists nightmares. It is either a crooked tooth, or one impacting the adjacent premolar tooth, or one lying perpendicular to the teeth roots, or if erupted properly forming a cavity on the innermost side of the tooth. Dentists often advise the wisdom teeth removal costs in Melbourne are heavily dependent on the complexity of the condition.
How are wisdom teeth troublesome?
If the individual is lucky to have a set of small teeth, the erupting molars might not cause a problem. However, as the wisdom teeth are set at the farther end of the mouth, cleaning becomes difficult, thus causing cavities. The constant abrasion of the wisdom teeth with the inner cheek could cause irritation, leading to mouth ulcers. Also, the molar teeth are the biggest, and their eruption causes pain while chewing, leading to difficulty in eating. Thus, dentists advocate removal of the wisdom teeth wherever they sense even a slight issue that would occur if the teeth were allowed to erupt. As the dental costs are often on the higher side, many people prefer a process that is reliable and cheap in wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne.
What are the actual costs of the procedure?
The processes involved in a wisdom tooth removal are consultation, radiological investigation, the procedure, prescription drugs, and follow-up charges. This totally sums up to $500, on an average. The pricing of the surgical procedure comprises of the sedative, the choice of procedure, and the complexity involved, i.e.. Whether only an incision is needed, or half the adjacent tooth is to be removed, or complete premolar is to be extracted, or the wisdom tooth alone should be removed. The ease of access of the tooth also decides the pricing. In Australia, there is a provision for affordable wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne, where the individual can get a rebate from the third-party insurance claim.
What are the complications of the procedure?
Dentists have reiterated that wisdom tooth removal is not as easy as the extraction of any other tooth; it is a challenge to both the doctor and to the patient. It is essential for the dentist to inform the patient beforehand about the complications that might occur, in the worst case. Usually, dentists fear a jaw bone fracture, an impacted facial nerve, and accidental injury to the healthy adjacent tooth. However, it is critical to note that the dentists are not in a position to prevent any of the above said complications, or have any control over them.
It is always to nib the problem in the bud, than to allow it to make a mess of one’s lives.
The author is a renowned dentist in Melbourne. He is specialised in wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. He blogs on various tips & procedures to be followed on wisdom teeth removal. Read here to know more http://affordabledentistcbd.melbourne