Get in Shape with Trampoline - The New Age Fitness Mantra
Love bouncing? Then you will never say no to trampolining! Isn’t it fun jumping on trampoline up and down like a kid? Well, the best part is you can take part in this activity without any guild and while you are involved, you will also be kicking out those stubborn fats and get in shape.
Like any cardio exercises and aerobics, trampoline workout tones your muscles, builds strength and improves blood circulation. Continuous workout sessions help you cut those ugly fat layers from your body.
What make Trampolining a fitness mantra?
There are immense benefits of trampolining and it is rendered as a new age fitness mantra by fitness experts.Many of your favorite celebs are also huge fans of trampolining and swear by it.
How trampolining is so effective?
Trampolining uses the gravitational force or g-force to intensify workout sessions. It gets all your core muscles into action and gives a whole body workout. The spring mat absorbs all the shock giving it a low-intensity feel.
A small session of trampolining elevates your mood and makes you feel energetic. Madonna goes trampolining every time before her performances to warm-up her body. Rebouncing is an effective cardio workout that helps you you burn more calories more easily than other high-intensity workouts, such as running and jogging.
How you can get in shape by trampolining?
To begin with, you can follow these moves to intensify your trampolining session and lose weight.
Side-to-Side Hop
Keep your feet together and jump to your left and then right while ensuring both of your feet take off simultaneously. An alternative move can be jumping back and forth in similar way.
Jogging on trampoline is a great aerobic workout. Begin by lifting each foot alternately for a slow jog and gain a comfortable pace.
Waist Twists
A great way to work on your abs! Twists focus on your lower body and tone your torso. Simply twist your torso to alternate sides while jumping up and down.
Knee Touches
This move also targets your abs along with a whole body workout. Start bouncing slowly and lift one knee at a time to hip level and try touching it with alternate hands.
Trampoline Squats
Start slowly by jumping up and try landing in squatting position like you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep your hands by your sides or you can stretch your arms to your front. This move strengthens your lower body.
A word of caution - get yourself the best trampoline to avoid any accidents and injuries. Check out reviews for trampolines on websites like to know about the top brands available and which one should you go for.
These moves are very effective when you are in weight loss spree. As fun as it looks, this can get risky if your prop is not good. Check out the reviews of the bestsellers at to get the best trampoline.
Trampolining is the answer to those who have got no results from their years of weight loss struggle.