Krishna Janmashtami 2017

Author: Magow G.

Krishna Jayanthi

Krishna Jayanthi, the birthday of Lord Krishna is celebrated in India with dedication and spirit in the month of August. This year Krishna Jayanthi falls on 14th August 2017. This festival is celebrated on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the eigth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadon.

Lord Krishna is considered as the most powerful incarnations of the Lord Vishnu. It is believed that Lord Krishna was born around 5200 years ago in Mathura. The reason of Lord Krishna’s incarnation was to free the Earth from the evilness and also he played a major role in Mahabharata and propagandize the theory of devotion and good karma which are deeply narrated in the Holy book Bhagwat Geeta.

Birth of Sri Krishna

Lord Krishna who was born to Vasudev and Devaki in a prison in the custody of Kamsa, Devaki’s Brother. Vasudev immediately thought of his friend Nanda in Gokul and decided to hand over his child to him to save Lord Krishna from the Kamsa and Nanda exchange her daughter Yogmaya to Vasudev for his protection from Kamsa, the King of Mathura. Finally, Lord Krishna grew up in Gokul & killed his uncle, King Kamsa.

The Celebration

Lord Krishna is believed to be borned on a dark and windy night to end the violence of Kamsa, the actual celebration of Krishna Jayanthi takes place during midnight. In India this day is celebrated with devotional songs and pujas, blowing of the conch and rocking the cradle of baby Krishna.

In Mathura and Vrindavan, Lord Krishna had spent his life and Krishna Jayanthi celebration on this places are very special. Temples and homes are beautifully decorated and night long prayers are offered and Krishna mantras are sung in the temples.

Sri Krishna Homam

Sri Krishna is a protector of earth who shows ways for living a problem free life. Performing Krishna Homam on Krishna Jayanthi will help to reduce Karmic issues and doshas in a horoscope. Krishna Homam eliminates the negative influences to get relief from various types of problems and it is possible to reduce sins. Those who want to get instant access to suppressing enemies perform this homam for achieving goals.

Benefits of performing Krishna Homam

  • For living a wealthy and prosperous life.
  • To gain spiritual knowledge and for attaining Moksham.
  • For purifying soul and mind in an effective manner.
  • Get the blessings and grace of Lord Krishna.

Sri Krishna Homam combined with Vaibhava Lakshmki Homam and Manyu Suktha Homam. It provides great intensity to the rituals on Krishna Jayanthi.

Sudarshana Homam

Lord Vishnu’s wheel is called as Sudarshana which is used to destroy enemies and protect the universe from any harmful activity. Perform Sudarshana Homam on Krishna Jayanthi will help to get rid from the negative effects and enhances the capabilities of a person to overcome the karmic and health related problems. Sudarshana Chakra is more powerful than the sun radiance. This homam is the most powerful protective factor and act as the protective shield around us.

Benefits of Sudarshana Homam on Krishna Jayanthi

  • Protection from harmful things.
  • Boost your career and business growth.
  • To prevent accidents.
  • Conquer your enemies.
  • Give massive effects on the mind and soul.

Thanks & Regards,Krishna Jayanthi 2017