Magento Is The Recipe For Success Of Food & Beverage Industry

Author: Jane Reyes

Elevated competition, new consumer trends are some of the main challenges faced by the food and beverage industry. In response to these challenges, more and more companies have started recognizing and growing the tussle for market share with solid online presence. It is estimated that the next five years will see a staggering 21 percent growth in online food and beverage sales.

Do you know what the recipe for success is?

  • Create delicious mobile experiences

Magento based mobile applications have transformed our way of living. Besides these apps developed by eminent Magento development company and has succeeded in delivering engaging and integrated shopping experiences over desktop, smartphones, and tablets. Magento is such a platform that offers built-in theme with mobile-responsive designs and a wealth of social media integration options to engage your customers, irrespective of the devices.

  • Get personal

Today’s consumers have become pretty particular. They just don’t want to buy a red wine but they want to choose the particular grape, region, and every pairing suggestion. Personalizing your offerings is very crucial for a successful e-commerce store in the food & beverage industry. In addition to this, the platform has the potential to easily segment consumers in the context of flavor profiles, pairings, preparation, occasion, and other preferences.

  • Robust business system integrations

To deliver on customer expectations for accurate real-time information, one must have robust integrations to multiple databases and business systems. Magento works well with your unique business systems including ERP, Pim, POS, OMS, CRM, and CMS solutions using efficient web APIs.

  • Smart delivery timing

Delivery on time is the key to sell perishable goods successfully. All you need to do is provide a customer with accurate delivery dates especially for purchases driven by special occasions and holidays. Most of the Magento development companies end up creating applications that offer smooth managing food and beverage order inventory and logistics across multiple systems and partners.

Magento developers at eTatvaSoft offer innovative ecommerce solutions not only for food and beverage’s related industries, but they provide services in textile, gift articles, shoes and many more niche industries.