Math Olympiad | Emiliano Coátl González | National Winner
For Immediate Release
Puebla, Mexico. August 2017- The Mexican Academy of Science organizes a Math Olympiad called "Olimpiadas Cotorras". During the first phase an average of 100,000 students from all over the country participate. During the second stage only the top 10,000 continue and it is during the third and last stage that only the best 1,000 children compete. Emiliano Coátl González is one of the 7 winners (gold medal) in the category of children under 12 years. Emilio Coátl González just finished the fifth grade in Paulo Freire School in Cholula, Puebla. 3 years ago, he started studying with PlayingMath’s methodology created by Act. Rubén López Haro. matematicas por internet
Ruben Lopez Haro, co-founder of PlayingMath congratulates Emilio Coátl González and recognizes that he is a restless and bright boy. Mr. Ruben also states: "Emilio stood out since his arrival at the Paulo Freire Institute for being a student who likes to question the why of things. PlayingMath’s math system empowered this virtue and gave it a structure that allowed him to focus on problems more clearly and to give order to his ideas. Mathematics has helped him to improve his self-esteem and self-concept, since he frequently acknowledges that he can solve problems that in many cases adults can not answer. "
PlayingMath is an online educational platform for elementary schools that uses a methodology to improve logical metal processes in the students and allows them to clearly understand the fundamental concepts, so that they can build new knowledge. PlayingMath contains exercises with a gradualness that allows students to advance solidly, but without being bored with unnecessary repetitions. All exercises have specific feedback and suggestions with possible solutions, which help students to solve the following exercises. Children practice for short sessions of 25 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. PlayingMath also contains mental calculation exercises that develop skills in children to help them think faster and remember previous concepts. PlayingMath contains for each grade, more than 2,500 exercises that children can do for a whole year. Further information in A full year of access cost only 23 dollars.
Ing. Gerardo Lopez
CEO & Founder
USA 1-609-933-2620