Brisbane is being tipped for future greatness by economists

Author: Theplanning Place

The property market in Brisbane is on the rise and is a clear investor favorite for 2014, due to its predicted growth rate and overall success during the last few months of 2013. Despite Brisbane struggling in the last few years due to problems such as natural disasters and slow economic conditions, RiskSMART accredited town planners have been responsible for its revival and successful long-term plan.

RiskSMART accredited town planners have ultimately been faced with the daunting task of planning the rebuilding process of Brisbane and have proven to been very successful. The market strength of Brisbane continues to grow as the valuation and demand of properties in the capital city continues to rise. The prices of residential and commercial properties throughout the city of Brisbane has risen by 9% during the last few months of 2013 and is now also tipped to rise by an additional 7% in the year of 2014 by Australian Property Monitors senior economist Dr Andrew Wilson. RiskSMART accredited town planners have ensured the capital city remains successful and sustainable in the long-term, which has also resulted in many great investment opportunities.

The overall success of the Brisbane property market and the amount of investment opportunities that have recently arisen will also result in an increase in population over the next few years. The increase in capital gains has also been a huge attraction for investors and will only continue to rise steadily over the next few years.

RiskSMART accredited town planners have played a huge role in shaping the future of Brisbane and the direction it is heading towards to ensure it remains successful in the long-term. If the growth rate of Brisbane remains consistent, it will not only be considered as one of the biggest cities in Australia, but one of the biggest capital cities in the world.

Our team of experienced town planners here at The Planning Place are all RiskSMART accredited and are qualified to provide you with top class service with all town planning development applications and approvals in Brisbane. Our town planners understand the need for modernisation and sustainable growth and are also qualified to provide you with top class service with all town planning development applications and approvals in Brisbane. The Planning Place can help you to build a community that you can be proud to be apart of.

Contact us to get started today!