Teacher Preparations for the 2017-2018 School Year
With the summer months slowly dwindling away, the autumn season will soon be upon us. Autumn not only brings a change in weather, but for children and teachers, it means gearing up for the beginning of a new school year. While there are some arrangements that students have to make before starting the year, teachers have a myriad of tasks and responsibilities that they must accomplish before the start of September. As a teacher, you already know that you have a million different items to buy, errands to run, and measures to prepare for. Although it may seem overwhelming, just relax and understand that you will meet all of your goals as long as you know what to do.
Create a Checklist
It is important for every teacher to be thoroughly prepared before beginning a new school year. If you as a teacher are not organized, it will be impossible to expect any of your students to stay focused. In order to stay on top of your game, it is necessary for you to create a checklist of items you need to accomplish before, as well as during, the school year. While the list should be as detailed as possible, as long as you have all of the basics for being a successful teacher on your checklist, the rest will take care of itself. Like every good teacher knows, do not stress out if not everything goes according to plan, because it is inevitable that you will deviate from your intended course.
Plan Lessons
Planning lessons should be your largest priority as a teacher. Whether you are an elementary school teacher who teaches every subject or you are an upper level teacher who focuses on one specific subject, you will need to have a plan in advance of what you are going to teach. In the past few years, the introduction of Common Core into the American school system has made curriculums more universal, but that does not mean you cannot get creative with your lessons and teach in your own style.
Purchase Supplies
Unfortunately, the majority of school districts are unable to fund every necessary supply that is needed for classrooms to properly function. While your school may give you a refund for the items you buy, oftentimes it will only be a partial refund, so prepare to pay for some supplies out of pocket. There are a good amount of supplies that you as a teacher will have to purchase, so remember to be prepared.
Final Thoughts
Being a teacher is a noble and honorable profession and teachers are not often given the appreciation they deserve. While many people agree that teachers deserve more than what they are given, it is important for you as a teacher to realize that you are an imperative part of all your students’ lives and that you are a valuable asset to society. Preparing for the upcoming school year may sound difficult, but if you stay dedicated and follow the above tips, you will be sure to have a wonderful classroom and will be destined for a great year.