Here Comes the Big One: Apple to Merge iOS with MacOS

Author: Nishtha Singh

A rumored topic that has nagged Apple for the last few years seems to be true. Several pundits and analysts have argued that Apple may eventually combine its mobile operating system IOS and desktop operating system OS X. Further, they said that the iPad PRO would feature the touch integration of IOS with the power of OS X to create a higher-end tablet. However, the company did rebuff hopes of an operating system merger at a special press event last year. But from what we have seen in WWDC 2017, it makes a perfect sense that Apple is slowly blurring the lines between iOS and OS X. Let me show you how.

Even after being completely separate platforms, iOS and macOS do share some similarities, in terms of design as well as functionality. For instance, in the past, we have seen the company offering iOS-like features such as Launchpad, Notification Center, to OS X, along with unifying apps such as Mail, Calendar, Messages, and Apps between the two platforms. This year’s WWDC brings new versions of IOS11 and macOS comes with a slight name change and a grip of new features that might bring two operating systems closer than even before.

Being an iOS app developer, I had the pleasure to work on many cross-platform projects (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Cloud apps). And soon I came to a conclusion that it is indeed possible to deliver great user-experience with an OS especially that runs on touch-screen devices. However, Microsoft made it pretty clear that Windows 10 is a cross-platform OS, and soon it will even run both on X86 and ARM architectures. My guess is that Apple will do the same. According to the current rumors, even Google is working on a new OS called Fuchsia OS that looks more like a merger of Android and Chrome OS.

Coming back to Apple, it makes a perfect sense to run a single OS with a single SDK on top of every device made by the company. Moreover, will have an advantage over the competitors, such as Google Glass, Meta Vision, and even Magic Leap. Now when you have different devices running the same OS, it’s just one eco-system with one AppStore. Moreover, the users will be able to enjoy this eco-system, whether they are on their Macs, iPhones or even AR headsets. Besides, an iOS app development company requires to develop once, and their apps will be available for all of Apple’s devices.

Merge iOS with macOS

Like I said before, we have come across so many rumors about the idea of Apple merging IOS with macOS, which have been denied by the CEO, Tim Cook. But I personally think they’ll have to merge iOS with macOS in some way. Even today, iOS 11 for the iPad Pro takes so many features from the macOS such as improves multitasking, allows a user to pull up an app from the dock, to drag onto the screen and split the screen. A user can even long tap to drag folders, files, or pictures and drop them on different apps to share, such as the Mail app or Instant messaging app. In addition to this, a proper Files app have been introduced which is pretty good. And there are several IOS features available on the macOS, SIRI, Touch ID, and even the UI design language is inspired by the iOS.

Well, I’m not saying that Apple will merge iOS with macOS into one OS overnight, but from what I see, they are already doing so...