Improve Rankings With Your Usage Of Internal Links

Author: Albert Lee

If your website consists of poor internal linking, it will certainly create a negative impact on your users and thus will hinder the growth of your site rankings. Therefore, internal linking are considered as one of the vital SEO factors that ought to be 100 % under the control of the website owner. You would not require any kind of technical skills to fix such issues; rather only some strategies are enough to help you address the problem.

Why do internal links actually matter?

There are two kinds of internal links, namely relative or absolute. The full URL including the protocol and the domain consists of the absolute link while the relative link does not specify the protocol and the domain in an explicit manner; rather they force the browser to assume the website to be referred to that same domain. Internal links include a header, footer, breadcrumbs, all sorts of navigational elements as well as a tag cloud. They are significant in forming the hierarchical structure of the website. Links that are available within the pages of the contents, instead of being a part of the sidebar, menus or the navigational elements are known as non-navigational internal links. They serve purposes like:-

  • Promoting paid products or services
  • Helping search engines to crawl the website in a faster way
  • Providing extra information to make the pages more helpful
  • Using certain keywords to improve the rankings

Here are some internal linking strategies to assist in boosting the web rankings:-

  • The links to the images used in the content should have alt attributes
  • A shallow website structure is preferred over the complicated ones
  • Search engines giving the maximum priority to the first anchor text
  • The important pages of the website should be linked
  • Avoid using 'no follow' for the internal links
  • The number of links available in each of the page should be reasonable
  • The main content of the pages should consist the links
  • Non-navigational links to be present in a new tab to make sure that the focus is made on the right matter
  • Anchor text must contain the keywords

Internal linking strategies:-

  • High page rank pages to be pointed to low hanging ones. Website Auditor could be used to find pages with a high InLink rank. Rank Tracker can be used to find pages which rank at the top for the targeted keywords.
  • Internal links to help in high search volume keywords. Website Auditor will help to do this by using right anchors, texts and links.
  • Target at mid search volume keywords. Category pages with the highest priority and use anchor texts more consistently to ensure more clicks.
  • Targeting low search volume keywords along with internal links. Contextual internal links should be pointed to pages at bottom level with proper interlinking.
  • Making things natural to make things appear elegant and simple.
  • Links to be pointed from the traffic pages to that of the conversion pages to find landing pages with a higher traffic as well as to identify pages with a higher rate of conversion and usage of image links and banners.

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Author Bio:

This article is written by Albert Lee. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on expert SEO.