Important Information About Cavities

Author: Kevin Smith

Cavities are common and when they are diagnosed quickly, they are mostly easy to treat. It is important for everyone to be aware of cavities since they can happen to people to all ages. Your family dental clinic in San Antonio, TX can ensure that you have the right information and that all cavities are promptly taken care of.

What is a Cavity?

Cavities occur as the result of tooth decay. The outer layer of your teeth is referred to as enamel and it is a very hard layer. Over time, the enamel may wear down due to plaque because it attacks your enamel when it produces acids. Once your enamel starts to wear down, your tooth no longer has the protection it needs to avoid decay so a cavity form. It looks like a tiny hole in your tooth.

If you have a cavity that has been around a while, you might notice a toothache. Sensitivity to extreme temperatures and sweet foods and drinks is also possible.

How Are Cavities Treated?

The treatment required by your family dental clinic in San Antonio, TX depends on the severity of your cavity. If they are no too severe, your dentist can use a drill to remove the decayed area and then use a filling to restore the tooth. In severe cases, you might also require a root canal as part of the cleaning process before the filling is put into place to restore your tooth.

How Can Cavities Be Prevented?

The good news is that it is very easy to prevent cavities from happening in the first place. The key is good oral hygiene and being aware of what you are eating. In terms of oral hygiene, you want to brush your teeth at least twice daily and make sure to get all four sides of each tooth. Use a toothpaste with fluoride to help protect your enamel and keep your teeth strong. Next, follow-up with daily flossing to help get plaque out from between your teeth to prevent the accumulation of tartar. Lastly, minimize your consumption of drinks and foods that are sugary and acidic since both of these can contribute to weakening your enamel and increasing your risk of developing a cavity.

You can see that while cavities are often a minor problem, they can quickly become a larger one if they are left untreated. Seeing your family dental clinic in San Antonio, TX on a regular basis helps to keep an eye on your oral health and this ensures prompt treatment should you develop a cavity.