Common Dental Implant Problems and Tips to Resolve Them
When it comes to replacing your missing or broken teeth, dental implants are fast becoming the perfect option to improve your oral health. The success rate of dental implants in Sydney is 98% and the benefits of having implants enhance your smile, speaking and eating abilities. However, they are also accompanied by a few problems or issues that can be easily tackled by following a few tips.
Here, we have listed the most common dental implant problems and the tips to resolve them.
Peri-implantitis is a condition in which an infection affects the gum and bone around the implant. This is mainly caused due to the bad oral habits of patients and can result in inflammation of the area and eventually a much weakened or loose implant.
Remedy: In this case, the implant must be removed, infection must be cleaned and a brand new implant needs to be refitted.
Loose Implant
Loose implant occurs when there is not enough jaw bone to accommodate implant or your dentist might have made an error and placed the implant in bone that isn’t strong enough. Using 3D scanners, these human errors can be removed.
Another reason for loose implant is osseointegration which is the result of smoking or heavy drinking. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, it could also slow down the bone fusion process.
Remedy: The loose implant should be removed and a new implant must be re-secured in place.
Broken or Cracked Implants
Titanium, the material used in the make of dental implants has very high strength and durability hence it has less chances of crack or break. But, cracks are more common in porcelain crown and this crack or small chip is easily repairable. If the crack is irreparable, then a new porcelain tooth will be made and placed on the supporting titanium post.
There are rare possibilities that the Titanium post may have a crack which should be replaced with a new one.
Nerve Damage
If the dental surgeon who is undergoing your tooth implant surgery is inexperienced, nerve damage is likely to occur after getting dental implants. This is due to the fact that the implant is placed too close to your nerve which leads to permanent or temporary damage to your nerve tissues. The consequences of nerve damage include numbing, tingling, or chronic pain in your tongue, lips, gums, cheek or chin.
Having problems with your Sydney dental implants? Contact your dentist in Sydney as quick as you can to solve the problem before evolving into a big issue.
The author of this article is the leading dentist in Sydney with over 15 years of experience in the industry and specialisation in dental implants. In this article, he writes about the common problems associated with dental implants and the tips to resolve them. Visit for more information.