Specialities to Visit a Dentist in Corona, CA for

Author: Abdental 4U

A dental office has a focus on prevention and wants to tell you how important it is to prevent dental decay and gum disease and keep your mouth healthy. Visit your local dentists in Corona, CA for periodic cleanings, cavity treatment, and more. These are referred to as "general dentistry." This type of general dentistry includes:

Emergency Dentistry. Sometimes dental care is immediately and urgently needed. This may be a fractured tooth, infected tooth, swelling or extreme pain due to an abscess. Whatever your immediate concern is, experts in dentistry in Corona, CA can handle it quickly and ease your pain.

Dentures. A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available, complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, and partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.

Cavities and Root Canals. A cavity is a hole in the tooth made by plaque that was allowed to sit on the tooth. A root canal procedure is a treatment used when a tooth is infected and cannot be completely saved. When cavities are allowed to grow, infection can spread into the root system, or canals, of the tooth where the nerve and blood supply are located. If left untreated still, the infection can cause severe tooth pain and can even spread into the blood supply, infecting the rest of the body.

Gum Disease. Poor dental hygiene affects more than just your teeth. Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is an infection that causes swelling in the gums, bleeding, infections, and more.

Family Dentistry. Take your entire family to the same dentist! From children to seniors, a family dentistry practice can assist patients of all ages in taking care of their teeth.

Sedation Dentistry. Some individuals suffer needlessly from dental anxiety, a dread of seeing the dentists in Corona for even the most basic treatment. Unfortunately, that lack of routine care leads to serious dental issues. To ensure that you get the level of care you deserve, gentle sedation dentistry is offered. Sedation dentistry relaxes you and means you'll be more comfortable during and after the procedure. You'll be able to sit still without a tendency to gag, so the dentist may complete treatment quickly and effectively. In fact, you may be able to catch up all needed dental work in one visit.

Contact your dentist for any of these treatments, or others, today!