Mobile Application Development – A Dish that Satiates Both the User and The Provider

Author: Meena Sharma

When was the last time you used any mobile application? Probably a few seconds ago. Basically, these applications, be it for Android or iOS or BlackBerry or any other have made life easy. Nowadays you can find everything at your fingertips… Thanks to Mobile Application Development Services.

In the era where smartphones have captured people’s mind, mobile applications are certainly serving as a cherry on the cake. Day by day businesses are going mobile and are getting innumerable benefits. A well-made mobile application lets your smartphone cover into a business phone by letting you connect with your customers anytime, anywhere. Mobile Application Development Services in India keep in mind’s customers’ and businesses interests and thus develop an application that completely fulfils all the needs. This is the one behind digitalization and hence the need to go digital. Zach Cusimano, co-founder of San Francisco-based app developer BiznessApps says "Ignoring mobile marketing is simply no longer an option for any business."

Now, let’s have a look at the following data and figure out the need for Mobile Application Development:

The figure clearly depicts the huge amount of smartphone users and mobile application market share. This is turn points towards the dire need for going mobile to retain customers and make a hold in the market. Except for profits and customers, there are several other benefits that businesses are ought to reap with mobile applications. Let’s have an insight into those:
  • Customer Satisfaction: As compared to mobile web browsing, mobile apps provide a much faster experience. Generally, web browsing requires a user to launch a web browser, enter a URL and then wait for the site to load whereas it only takes a second to launch a mobile app because most of the information is stored in the application itself making it possible to function offline.
  • Reduction in Costs: Undoubtedly, mobile apps instantly save you from the task of messages and newsletters thus, helping you in cutting down costs. Apps simplify communications by securely, instantly and directly messaging customers.
  • Boost Profits: If your customers are satisfied and happy with your services then sales will also increase. Sure, you should have a website with a responsive design that can adapt to any of the mobile devices, but if you launch a mobile app in addition to your responsive website, you’ll boost sales while enhancing the customer experience.
  • Customer Engagement: The point of a mobile app is to seamlessly connect and interact with customers, making it a valuable tool for the modern business. With the increase in the usage of smart phones, it has become easy to target the right audience through the right means.
  • Distance doesn’t matter: There is no denying the fact that these apps have reduced the distance between the customers and entrepreneurs. Customers get the ability to buy products or services from stores based in remote areas. This entails that businesses are no more bound to a certain vicinity.
  • Brand Visibility: Venturing into mobile application development is a great way to make yourself famous and famous and visible to a large amount of audience which in turn boosts your brand image.

So, it can easily be inferred that mobile application development is the need of the hour, especially for ones seeking success.

Summary: With digitization, comes into picture mobile apps and hence mobile application development. Businesses all over are making a move towards application development in order to get customers all around the world. If you still have a blurred picture of the same, then a list of benefits might clear it out.