Veterinary Medicine- New Step Towards Good Health

Author: Gaurav Sahni

Whether it is a herd of cattle, flock of goat or sheep or chicken, special care has to be taken for all the animals’ health. Poor animal health decreases the performance of the animals, which leads to lower production, and financial losses. The provision of veterinary service is the key component to the success of any farm operation. Without the use of proper animal health practices, the profits might be reduced for cattle and livestock farmer.

Why Veterinary Medications Play An Important Role In Livestock Farming?

The role of a veterinary is to advise the farmer on the basic and important health management practices such as de-worming, vaccination, nutrition, sanitation, disease prevention and so on. In addition to this, following are the reasons why Veterinary Medications play an important role in Livestock Farming:

  • Health And Welfare: Veterinary medications are valuable for vets, farmers and pet owners to ensure that animals stay healthy. These medications help to get relief from various diseases as well as reduce their pain.
  • Food Safety And Public: Apart from maintaining the health of animals, veterinary medicines have a positive impact on food safety. They are best elements to ensure the safety of animal products such as eggs, milk and meat. And eventually they protect public from harmful food borne pathogens that are transferrable from animals to human, such as rabies.
  • Productivity: By maintaining the overall health and security, Veterinary Medicines support animal livestock and farming industry. This way, they have a positive impact on both productivity and efficiency in animal husbandry.

Choosing The Right Medicine

Prudent use of Veterinary Medicines is an integral part of a good veterinary practice. It maximizes the therapeutic efficacy and offers an effective treatment for diseases. Thus, when it comes to choosing the right medication, the choice should be based on:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: The use of medication should be based on the clinical evaluation of animal under the care of a prescribing veterinary. The diagnosis may be based on past experience, knowledge of epidemiological status etc.
  • Status Of Immunocompetence: When it comes to treating animals with life threatening infections or immunocompetence, bactericidal substances should be preferred, as use of bacteriostatic antibiotics works on the immune system to control the spread of infection.
  • Antibiotic Combination: In addition to this, the indiscriminate use of antibiotic combination should be avoided. When it comes to proper and careful Veterinary Medication, the right combination of medicines helps in restricting the widespread of infection.

Nicosia International is one of the leading Veterinary Medicines Manufacturers in India and offers a wide range of Animal Health Care products. The range of products offered by us includes Veterinary Medicines, Animal Feed Supplements, Mineral Mixture, Liquid Calcium Supplements etc. For more information, log on to: