Benefits of Interpreter services in Education

Author: Shreya Gupta

The world has become a global village as relocation and movement of people from one country to another has become commonplace. As the population grows communication in multiple languages has become a necessity. University supported student exchange programs are on the rise. Further, students are increasingly seeking higher education at universities based in countries where English is not the national or universal language. This is where translation and interpretation services play a crucial role.

Translation services help students:

1. When applying to universities around the world a student needs to understand the admission criteria and the prospectus of the college. Here qualified interpreter services play a vital role to clarify the admission process to ease admission.

2. When a student is sometimes researching the relevant articles, synopsis, etc. may be in a different language. A translation service will help the student to interpret the information correctly and accurately.

Translation services help parents:

Parents who do not speak the language may find it difficult to address issues or to discuss their concerns with the school administration. A competent interpreter can ease the discussion and help in the exchange of information. Letters, notes, information slips, etc. can be translated into the target language and parents can easily communicate with the faculty, teachers and principal for better care of their ward.

Translation services help schools and universities:

1. As the students at higher educational institutions are becoming multilingual, culturally diverse classrooms need to establish strategies to overcome this gap. Such pedagogical and social challenge can be overcome by proficient interpreters and adept translation services.

2. Interactions with parents who speak a different language can be challenging. Knowledge of their culture and beliefs also plays a role in the method of communication. Report cards, school notices, holiday information, brochures, forms and events calendars’, invitations, etc. should be translated by a proficient translation service to give out accurate information. Such valuable information needs to be communicated efficiently and correctly. Misinterpreted translation can lead to misunderstandings.

Communicating with students who are learning the new language:

While the students are learning the language, an interpreter can considerably ease the process. There are several ways an interpreter can be used.

  1. Casual interpreter – A face to face interpreter is the most efficient way to communicate. Body language and facial expressions will ease the language barrier. A personal rapport can be formed, and an active relationship will lead to effective communication and understanding. But sometimes it's hard to find an interpreter who can be physically present.
  2. Auditory interpreter – A telephonic interpreter is a straightforward, convenient and quick way to help translate and communicate. The only negative is the absence of extra linguistic clues, live facial expressions and body language.
3. Video Remote Interpreting [VRI] – VRI is another way to use interpreters for translation services. Each party can confer conveniently without being physically in the same room. Here the advantages of seeing and hearing can lead to effective communication.

Thus both the school authorities and parents can productively consult with each other by using a skilled interpreter. Students can use translation services when they apply for admission for forms, legal documents, emails, tests, etc. and can ensure that they get admission to the university of their choice.