Getting the Elements of Pre-Employment Testing Right
Pre-employment testing is an important and integral testing in the process of hiring the right candidate. It is aimed at gauging the potential or proven abilities of a candidate who the organization has zeroed in on, in relation to specific abilities and faculties. Pre-employment testing is basically the method of screening the candidate for a number of selection parameters such as:
- Aptitude
- Positive thinking
- Emotional intelligence
- Cognitive abilities
- Drive
- Communication ability
- Skills needed for carrying out the work
- Sensory and motor abilities
- Drug testing.
Important aspects of pre-employment testing
Two important aspects stand out in the matter of pre-employment testing. One, pre-employment testing has to be done in a legally compliant manner. If companies overstep the legal confines of pre-employment testing; they can be taken to court by the person or persons whose pre-employment testing was done.
Second, pre-employment testing has to be very effective and professional. It has to set out its goals very clearly and meet them. Done properly, it is a great means to selecting the right fit. If this process falters, it fails to give the expected result. When pre-employment testing fails to deliver –which is almost invariably because it was not carried out properly –the result is a bad hire, which could lead to negative financial results for the company, push up the cost of hiring, and lead to waste of valuable resources.
Getting pre-employment testing is crucial to get the right fit
Given the importance of hiring the right resources in today’s situation of extremely high competition in all businesses and the criticality of talent to organizations; getting the elements of pre-employment testing is crucial. If organizations fail at this very important step, they pay a heavy price not only in terms of not getting the right fit, but also in terms of having to face legal challenges.
How do organizations get their pre-employment testing right? What are the steps they need to take? What are the criteria they need to apply for their pre-employment testing practices?
A complete learning session on how to carry out pre-employment testing effectively
All these will be the content of a very valuable webinar from TrainHR, a leading provider of professional trainings for the human resources industry. Harold P Brull, a licensed psychologist who has taught industrial/organizational psychology at the undergraduate and graduate levels for 17 years, has served as President of the International Personnel Assessment Council, and is the recipient of the Stephen E. Bemis Memorial Award and the Clyde J. Linley Exemplary Service Award, will be the speaker at this webinar.
In order to gain value and benefit of Harold’s vast and varied experience; please register for this webinar by visiting
Viewing this webinar, its entirety qualifies for a recertification credit hour that may be counted toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification from SHRM.
Credit is awarded based on the actual educational time spent in the program.
This webinar has been approved for 1.5 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR, PHR, PHRca, SPHR, GPHR, PHRi and SPHRi recertification through HR Certification Institute (HRCI).
Finessing the edges
The aim of this session on pre-employment testing is to provide practical guidance in adding testing as an important tool in the toolkit of assessment approaches, allowing the hiring organization to make more accurate, informed decisions while minimizing potential negative outcomes.
As a session that will add immense learning value to personnel connected with the hiring, such as HR Generalists, HR Managers, Line Managers involved in Hiring, Attorneys and business owners; this webinar will cover the following areas:
- The structure of competence
- How people differ
- How to analyze a job's requirements
- Categories of assessment tools
- The objective-subjective continuum
- Understanding the concept of validity
- Types of tests and what they measure
- How personality impacts job performance
- How to choose tests and vendors
- How to stay out of trouble.