An Introduction to Stock Market Technical Indicators
Stock Market is a Place from where huge wealth can be amassed, if a proper strategy is followed. The support from Technical advisory companies can be taken to trade effectively in the Stock Market. These advisory firms provide tips in form of Stock Cash Tips and Stock Futures Tips.
The advisory companies have a team of Expert Technical advisors, who on the basis of their in-depth technical and fundamental analysis provide advice to trade. Advice in all the segments like Futures segment, Options segment and Cash segment can be taken from them.
In case of technical analysis the graphs of the price movement V/S time are generally drawn. The price unit is in INR and time frame can be chosen according to convenience. The Time Period of 1 min, 5 Min, 15 Min, 1 Hr etc any-thing can be chosen based on the analysis requirements. Along with the price charts, various indicators like RSI, Moving Averages, MACD etc can also be used. The technical indicators are based on various studies and various mathematical formulations.
Moving Average: Technical Analyst's Trend IndicatorMoving average is an indicator which is used by many analysts. The moving average is a trend indicator and identifies the current trend. The trend can be up trend, down trend or flat trend. The market thus can be bullish, bearish or range bound.
The moving averages are also of different types. The common are simple moving average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average. In SMA or Simple Moving Average the average of n periods is calculated and displayed on the graph. In case of an EMA or Exponential Moving Average, an exponentially increasing factor is also multiplied to the moving average. The EMA has a faster response, as compared to an SMA. For intraday trading, the SMA and EMA of period 5, 10, 20 etc are used depending on the time frame chosen.
The moving average cross over strategy is an important strategy used by many analysts. It is a kind of trend following strategy. Two moving averages of different periods are drawn and their movement along with the price movement is watched. One of the moving averages is slow one and one is the fast one. The cross-over of the two moving averages is seen as the signal of trend change and thus appropriate trades can be executed. If the trend is changing from a down trend to an up-trend the buy trade can be executed. Similarly if the trend has changed from an up-trend to a down trend, the sell trade can be executed.
Thus, one can easily execute the trend following strategies by utilizing moving averages. Both the SMA (Simple Moving Average) and EMA (Exponential Moving Average) can be used for this purpose. The results with EMA are better than results with SMA.
The support of expert technical analysts utilizing various strategies like moving average cross over can be taken. These technical analysts provide tips in form of stock cash tips, which can be helpful for a profitable venture in Stock Market.