What is MEAN Stack
MEAN stack refers to a collection of technologies that are JavaScript based used in developing web apps. MEAN is an acronym of MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS as well as Node.js. From a client to server to database, MEAN is a full stack Java.
Node.js is a server side Java execution environment. A platform made on V* JavaScript runtime of Google Chrome. It helps build extremely scalable and concurrent apps faster. ExpressJS is a lightweight framework that’s used for building web apps in Node. It gives various robust features to create single and multi-page web application. It is inspired by Sinatra, a popular Ruby framework. MongoDB is schema-less NoSQL database system. It saves data in binary JSON format, which makes for easier passing of data between a client and a server. AngularJS is a framework of Java that’s developed by Google. It provides several awesome features such as a two-way data binding. It is a complete solution for fast and awesome front end development.
- JavaScript. One uses the most popular language in the world, which makes it a good platform to use.
- Performance. NodeJS is fast and AngularJS is way faster compared to a traditional client-server app.
- One language for the development journey. When writing an app in PHP in a server, the MySL query used is SQL and JavaScript in the client side. Consider just focusing in one language. While there’s no.js suffix in mongoDB, they use the format BSON, a binary-encoded JSON version that stand for JavaScript Object Notation.
- Support from community and industry leader. MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database provider. The two biggest cloud providers, such as AWS and Azure already support Node.js, Google supports AngularJS.
- Success story. Not only startup, but big players are also moving to Node.js. For instance, Walmart and PayPal are some of the big players that use MEAN stack.
1. Cost-Effective. It’s beneficial for big-scale organizations to work with MEAN stack, as they do not have to hire various specialists for working on one project. MEAN stack introduced a new career profile, that’s full-stack Java developer. Moreover, it’s convenient to have various JavaScript developers in team from the collaboration and team management viewpoint owing to the same backgrounds.
- JavaScript all along. The main reason to prefer MEAN stack over others is due to the use a common language for client-side and server-side. As all these technologies are written in Java, the web development process will become neat. Node.js is a platform which brought the implementation of Java on server-side. Using JavaScript on the front-end, Angular.js, it gets easier to reuse code from back-end to front-end.
- Mongo DB Importance. MongoDB is a prudent option for database system when it comes to managing big tables with many data. Unlike any other database, adding a field to MongoDB is simpler because it does not have to update the whole table. Furthermore, it’s a NoSQL and a document model database, which is very flexible for use in different apps. In MongoDB, documents resemble objects in an object-oriented programming language. A big document can be queried on any field as well as data access is simplified through lowering the use for joins.
- Node.js. Is a runtime environment for JavaScript. It functions more than a traditional web server. With MEAN stack, the web server included in the app and deployment is a lot easier. Additionally, Node.js runs on Windows, LINUX and OS X as well, bringing operating system independence. Node.js utilizes web sockets for allowing sending data to client with no need for a client to request it. That is why, it’s an ideal choice for the development of web apps in real-time, such as chatting applications.
- JSON or JavaSCript object notation. MEAN stack uses JSON as format for data-interchange on all layers. Thus, there’s no need for using librar5ies to convert data during server-side and client-side interaction. JSON furthermore enables working with external APIs easily.
- AngularJS. It’s a front-end Java development framework to develop single-page apps. It enables a clean manner of adding interactive functionalities and AJAX-driven rich components on a client-side. Because there is Node.js providing a server-side solution, there’s implementation of Java on the both client and server side, making programming apps very effective.
- Open-Source and Free. All the technologies present in MEAN stack are open-source and free in nature. Thus, a developer is benefitted by any version upgrades and developments in the way of contributions made through a wide community of developers.
MEAN stack provides a modern approach to web development. Moreover, it makes use of the power of modern single-page apps that do not require completely refreshing a web page for each server request like most traditional applications do.