Things to Know about Jaw Surgery in Korea

Author: Easta Medical

Most often problems related to the jaw region require something other than mere orthodontic treatment. Jaw surgery in Korea or the orthographic surgery is ideal for correction of both severe and moderate jaw issues. Maxillofacial and oral surgeons are qualified to perform the surgery that improves your breathing, speaking, and chewing functions quite dramatically. The overall appearance of the patients also undergoes a change. Before going through the surgical procedure, it is worthwhile to know certain things associated with the same.

Patients require corrective jaw surgery because of the presence of abnormal growth during the development process. Often times, you will inherit such conditions and at other times, the jaw joint arthritis and facial injuries will lead to the development of such problems. The following medical conditions generally require surgical intervention.

  • Difficulty while swallowing food, chewing, or biting

  • Teeth breakdown or excessive wear

  • Chronic pain in the jaw or joint due to TM and other problems

  • For improvement of gummy smile when the lips show large gum areas

  • Treatment of sleep apnea

  • Facial imbalance such as deficient chin, overbite, cross bite, and under bite

The surgeon will work closely with a team of orthodontist and dentist to provide the best possible treatment to the patient. In most treatment situations, there will be use of braces for approximately 9-18 months prior to the surgery for aligning and leveling the teeth. After the healing of the teeth following the surgery that takes approximately 6 weeks, the orthodontist finishes alignment and then removes braces. Based upon the jaw problem severity, the overall treatment process will take 12-24 months. For both the patient as well as the medical practitioner this is a long-term commitment. The surgical team will try everything to minimize the treatment length. You will also get accurate estimates related to the costs for planning your budget accordingly.

The surgeons will perform procedures on lower jaw, upper or both based upon the requirements. Ideally, they consider you a candidate only after the jaw growth stops between the ages of 16-18 in males and 13-15 in females. It is possible to perform the surgery within the mouth so that, there will be no visible facial scars. After the proper alignment of the jaw, the bone plates and screws secure the bones in its new position. Addition of extra bone might become necessary in some cases where the surgeon transfers bones from rib, leg or the hip region securing this with the temporary wires.

Based upon the procedural requirement, the surgeon will perform this on an outpatient or inpatient setting. The degree of facial swelling following the surgery will be variable in patients and increases for some days before subsiding. For a period of one year, the appearance undergoes subtle changes. For students, the surgeons will recommend surgery during the school vacations for this reason. Adults can return to work after 1-3 weeks. The surgery enhances appearance and comfort while improving overall health in the patient. Besides this kind of surgery, eyelid surgery in Korea is also quite popular.

About the Author:

The author of this article has an extensive knowledge in the field of Eyelid Surgery in Korea and Jaw Surgery in Korea.

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