Gastric imbrication surgery helps fight obesity

Author: Swati Oak

Obesity is a disease. It’s a problem that needs to be tackled and exercise and diets won’t help. While a well-balanced and controlled diet and good work sessions go long way in healing people lose weight, it must be said that obesity can be immune to these. People who have obesity also have accompanying issues that come along with obesity. Obesity is the harbinger of various health issues like Blood Pressures, Cardio Vascular diseases and diabetes. It adversely affects your bones, skin and hair. Overall Obesity kills you and your usually remedies cannot save you. It’s time to let medical science tackle this issue for you and this can be done with Gastric Plication Surgery. The name itself sounds scary and very impressive, it isn’t so. With the right doctor and good counsel, you can very well be looking at most medically accurate way to say good bye to obesity.

GIS or Gastric Imbrication Surgery is a laparoscopic procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. The stomach is folded upon itself to form a sleeve-like shape, and then sutured multiple times to keep it in a folded state. Other than the stomach space being made smaller, there is no change in the digestive process and, therefore, no complications arising thereof. As far as the procedures go, GIS is safer as compared to other procedures as in GIS, there is no cutting or stapling, so there are no risks of leaks. Unlike gastric banding, there is no addition of a foreign body so there will be no rejection issues post surgery. This surgery does not disrupt body’s digestive process and therefore there are no malabsorption/ malnutrition hurdle.

GIS is a moderately new-fangled procedure. However, the average weight loss via this surgery is between that of a Gastric Band and a Gastric Sleeve. The preliminary results have shown gastric imbrication to be beneficial, which means this an effective means of weight loss. Along with weight loss, GIS brings about 90-98% resolution in cases of diabetes, hypertension, hyper lipidemia, sleep apnoea, knee joint pain. Al in all it helps you lead an obesity free life.

If you have seen the deteriorating effect obesity can have on peoples life, do not hesitate, set up an appointment and get the right treatment. At Allure MedSpa, we are well equipped to deal with advanced surgeries such as GIS. Our staff is affable and qualified, our technologies are advanced and we have a celebrity surgeon leading our team. Dr. Milan Doshi has year’s worth of expertise on the subject and he is well known for his excellence in the field of surgery.

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