The Key Enhancements in Microsoft Access 2007

Author: Robert Clark

The development team at Microsoft brought the maximum number of enhancements to the 2007 version of Microsoft Office. It was hard to pick the best ones because each one of them tends to be better than the rest. Here are the top pics in MS Access programmers are going to recommend:

New Tools with Redesigned User Interface

If you have been working on the previous versions of Microsoft Access, you would need to re-learn everything as using this version is entirely different. There is a new ribbon, navigation pane, quick access toolbar, and an office menu. Initially, you need to prepare yourself for a decrease in your productivity as you learn how to interact with the software in the new interface.

Layout View Making It Easier to Design Forms and Reports

To facilitate the users to design their reports and forms, there is a layout view in Access 2007. This view allows customization of the forms and the reports as you view live data. Whether you want to move, align, or resize the data, you can easily do so without moving to the Design view. This helps in saving some valuable development time as you can work right within the new Layout view.

Filtering Reports

The new Report View is a great facility as it allows to filter down the data which you require and then get it printed. You can still get a static screenshot of the entire report through the Print Preview but the Report View gives you some advanced options. All you need to do is to select different filtering choices from the shortcut menu.

Simplifying Data Entry Through Date Picker

Inputting dates has been a concern of the developers for a very long time and they have been asking for a better method. With Microsoft Access 2007, they have been given the opportunity to control the dates through the built-in date picker. There is a small button displayed by Access in the forms and the datasheets which helps in selecting the dates from the small pop-up calendar.

Quickly Create Forms, Tables, And Reports

There are facilitated Quick Create commands in Microsoft Access 2007 through which one can easily create forms and reports. Only the click of a button is required to create whatever one wants to on the software including tweaking all the graphics and controls. You can easily add new objects into your database with the help of a few simple commands.

Alternating the Row Colors

If you want to make your data stand out and easy to decipher, you can easily go with the alternating color feature of Microsoft Access. This is an excellent feature for datasheets as this effect makes it easier to read all the data.

Apart from these, there are numerous other features and enhancements too introduced in MS Access. Programmers and other working individuals prefer this version over the rest because of all these facilitations.