Assignment Help Experts of Australia Warn Students against These Grammar Mistakes

Author: Sophie Williams

Even if English is not the major of students in college, it is still a very important subject as all assignments are written in English. Use of the wrong English, as well as a disregard for grammar rules, show that the student does not care much about the reader and is willing to furnish half-baked essays and assignments. Besides, these mistakes also display a lack of professionalism and can be held responsible for poor grades.

Assignment help experts of Australia have discovered that students make certain grammar mistakes very commonly, which they should avoid if they want their grades to improve. Here is a list of the grammar mistakes students make in their assignments-

1. Errors in subject-verb agreement

Errors of subject-verb agreement in assignments take place when the subject of the sentence does not agree with the verb of it. In short, both subject and verb should be singular if the subject is singular and plural when the subject is plural.

2. Fragmented sentences

Assignment help experts of Australia have found out that students make this mistake most commonly as they usually write their assignments in a rush. Fragmented sentences are basically incomplete sentences that do not make sense on their own.

3. Missing punctuation marks

This one is a serious blunder that most students make as they do not understand the importance of punctuation marks such as commas, hyphens, colons, semi-colons and the like. The placement of these at the right place can help break sentences up into logical parts instead of making them appear like an incomprehensible whole.

4. Dangling modifiers

Assignment help writers explain that dangling modifiers are basically misplaced adjectives that end up describing something else apart from the subject. These can change the meaning of the sentence entirely, making it hard to understand what the student is trying to convey.

5. Using the wrong words

Certain words look and sound similar but actually have a difference in meaning and usage. The misuse of these does not only alter the meaning of the sentence but also shows inherent carelessness on the part of the writer, in this case, the student. Words that are commonly confused include accept/except, later/latter, grate/great etc.

How can students avoid these mistakes in their assignments?

Most students make these mistakes unconsciously, but the repercussions of them in the form of poor grades can be too much to take, causing students to go online and search ‘do my assignment.’ While entrusting professionals with their academic tasks is one way students can avoid these grammar mistakes in their assignments, there are other ways to prevent these mistakes from happening too. These include-

  • Brushing up on grammar and punctuation rules

The reason why students make these mistakes in their assignment is because they do not have enough knowledge of grammar and punctuation rules. A simple brushing up of these can help clear any confusion students may have regarding the same.

  • Editing and proofreading assignments

It is quite typical of students to submit their assignments without editing and proofreading them. However, by skipping these vital steps, students end up submitting assignments that are full of careless mistakes. Therefore, by editing and proofreading their assignments, students can eliminate most common grammatical errors.

  • Using online apps and tools

If students find it too painful to go through their own assignments and check them for grammar rules and punctuation, they should make use of online apps and tools. Quite a few of these apps have been specifically designed to detect and remove such errors in an easy manner.

If students manage to remove the grammar errors mentioned above using the ways stated in this article, they will be well on their way to submitting flawless assignments and getting good grades for them in return.