A Reminder to Plan

Author: Noah Truax

Hurricane Harvey and now Hurricane Irma. Everyone around the world empathizes with those suffering overwhelming losses and wants to do anything they can to help.

Right now, the focus is on saving lives. That’s what’s most important now. Eventually, the waters will recede and, hopefully, the victims will be able to return to their lives. They will never, however, recoup all that was lost. Imagine that. It’s certainly devastating.

Many businesses have also been destroyed and damaged. They, too, may never be able to salvage what was ruined. If they had a Disaster Recovery Plan, however, their data would remain perfectly safe and they’d be able to fully restore their entire system whenever they wanted. They could set-up a temporary office and work wherever and whenever they wanted.

Terrible times always make you think. Of course, your thoughts should always be with the victims. But, such incidents serve as reminders that there are always lessons to be learned and ways in which we could always be prepared.

Businesses need Disaster Recovery Plans. Roughly 80% of businesses that remain interrupted for more than five days fail. So a Disaster Recovery Plan is vital. You may claim hurricanes aren’t common in your area. Well, it’s been nearly forty years since Texas experienced such a hurricane. And, weather and power surges aren’t the only system crash culprits. People sometimes make mistakes. Even the most careful, detail oriented, experienced individuals accidentally delete files, forget to save files, and cause crashes. And, even the best, most reliable systems encounter glitches and fail.

UCG Technologies

Thirty years ago, twenty-six year-old Jim Kandrac established UCG Technologies (then known as United Computer Group, Inc). He believed combining innovative technology with a goal to exceed customer expectations would support a practical and constantly growing company. He was right. Today, 98% of UCG Technologies’ (UCG) customers remain with the company.

UCG is now a full-service data protection company, with corporate clients in thirty-one states, Canada, the Caribbean and Europe, and its business continues to grow at a controlled rate of 20% + each year. UCG sees itself as a business partner, where clients concentrate on business and it safeguards their systems operations. The updated name reflects its business partner outlook and goals.

UCG is IBM i Experts working exclusively with IBM Power Systems with IBM i High Availability Solutions (IBM I Disaster Recovery) and AS400 Disaster Recovery. UCG’s plans back major platforms including the IBM i Series, System AS/400, Windows, Linux, UNIX, and I.

UCG disaster recovery centers provide a secure, reliable setting for your system and data. It actually functions as an extension of your system and ensures that your business continues to operate proficiently. It also provides IBM i Hosting (AS400 high availability), an AS400 cloud backup solution that both standardizes your electronic data interchange and satisfies your confidentiality and security standards.

Technology constantly changes. One thing that has never changed is UCG’s obsessive commitment to customer satisfaction.

See UCG’s website today.

About Author :

Noah Truax has spent over 10 years consulting with a wide variety of IT firms from the very big to the very small. He provides you with his insights into the leadership needed to combine the separate worlds of business and IT strategy. He has been is associated with UCG Technologies; a highly specialized Strategic Service Provider (SSP) of customized Information Technology products and services. These include IBM i hosting, AS400 hosting, DR, & H/A; Enterprise Security Training; AS400 cloud backup ; and Enterprise Management Software. Visit ucgtechnologies.com to Download Enterprise Management Software Demo and Free Phishing Security Test.