3 Reasons Why A Dishwasher Is Better Than Hand-Washing

Author: Jackson Wood

Dishwashers have been used in homes for a long time now. They are extremely useful and serve their purpose well- clean the dishes. So instead of washing the dishes with your hand, which not only uses more water and energy but harms your hand, shift to a dishwasher. Still contemplating the use of a dishwasher? Here are three reasons convincing you otherwise.

They use less water

In a recent study it was found that hand washing dishes can waste up to 27 gallons of water as opposed to dishwasher, which only uses 6 gallons of water. The staggering difference of 21 gallons in their numbers is what stands out. So using a dishwasher can help save water in times when it has become a luxury.

They clean the plates thoroughly

Pouring the right quantity and quality of soap in the dishwasher can help clean your plates thoroughly without leaving traces of food and stains. The dishwashers are fitted with the latest technology that washes the food and stains from the plate, while leaving a nice fragrance behind.

They save energy

Again, according to research, washing dishes with hand can use up to 2.5 kilowatts hours of electricity. That is enough to light an entire town of 20 houses for a week or more. On the contrary, dishwasher uses 2 kilowatts of electricity. Even though there is not much difference in the numbers, but it can save more energy and burn less fossil fuels which are non-renewable.

Thus, get a dishwasher today! Suppliers of Santa Rosa have the best dishwashers available with them. These are constructed using stainless steel that makes them easy to use and clean. A dishwasher is functional while adding to the décor of the kitchen.

To find out more about buying home appliances in Santa Rosa, visit this website today.

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Jackson has a unique take on interior design. He advises home owners on how to bring warmth and style to their living rooms and home kitchens. You can find his thoughts at kitchen renovation guide blog. To find a high-quality kitchen design in Santa Rosa, please visit this website.