Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hair Transplant Results
Hair transplantation is an advance procedure when appropriate hair results are to be achieved. Irrelevant of the aging factor or the type of hair issue, hair transplantation have been known to create miracles for hair. Whether it is male or a female, hair transplantation works with all of them but surely the results differ from one patient to another depending upon several factors including the type of hair baldness, procedure chosen and the most important clinic in which hair transplantation is performed. If patient choose to go for hair transplantation at an advance clinic like Marmm Klinik results are more than satisfactory thus hair loss patient must only go for Hair Transplant In Indore.
It has been years that hair transplantation has been creating trustworthy results but then there are several things that directly affect the results of the hair transplantation. Hair transplantation results are not seen at the same time when procedure is done rather it has its own recovery time associated with it. This recovery time may vary from patient to patient it may last from weeks to month. For achieving better results from the surgery often several medications and post operative precautions are suggested by hair doctor so that better results can be obtained. It is advisable that patient must stick to this precaution to achieve best results from the hair transplantation.
Among these two of the basic post precautions include avoiding smoking and neglecting intake of any alcoholic products. One must say a strict no to both of them because it is reasons associated with it.
Why say no to smoking?
Smoking must be avoided for few weeks after the surgery because it is this time when your transplanted area is under recovery. It is said that if patient intake any of the nicotine product it somehow effects the growth cycle of hair follicles. It also reduces the blood flow that is required for right hair growth after the surgery. Often it is said that it acts as a hindrance to the transplanted grafts and somehow restrict their further growth thus in any case smoking must be avoided to achieve expected hair results from hair transplantation surgery.
Why say no to Alcohol?
The same concepts apply to drinking. Every one of us knows that it is the blood flow that on which the hair follicles growth depends. When a person intake alcohol after surgery it somehow affects the blood level affecting the growth of hair follicle at the root level and stop it to enter to your head thus to achieve right hair growth right at the root level drinking must be avoided for few weeks.
You may consult your doctor when it is ok to start smoking and alcohol after the surgery. You can achieve right results of the hair transplantation only if you follow the instruction as suggested by your hair doctors and if you are accepting best results from your hair transplantation surgery just go for Hair Transplant In Indore at Marmm Klinik.