10 Reasons behind Hair Extension Damage

Author: Yuan Chen

You are looking forward to getting hair extensions for yourself, but fear of their damage! Whenever we try something new, then there is one big fear inside that what if it won’t work out or it gets damaged.

Hair extensions are high in vogue, especially among females suffering from the problem of hair fall. These extensions are rich, luscious, and thick, and work as the best solution to treat you with one of the best hairs in town.

But with so many positives, even these extensions associate few negatives with them, and one of the biggest negative is damaged hair extensions. Yes, even if they are not like your natural hair, but are almost similar to them. Just like the way your natural human hair can get damaged, even there are few reasons that can damage the hair extensions. So, if you want to make sure that your extensions stay lastingly healthy and thick then make sure you stay away from these 10 reasons behind hair extension damage!

  1. Using Hair Straightening Tools – Even if you use the highest quality hair straightener, it is going to damage the extensions to a great extent. Hair straighteners have high levels of heat, and when the delicate extensions come in direct contact with them, then this damages their surface and root levels. They tend to make the extensions rough, which might eventually result in their further damage and breakage.
  2. Over Brushing the Extensions – Brushing the extensions properly and at regular intervals is essential. This also stimulates the scalp and ensures strengthened sticking of the extensions. But, if you over brush your hairs then this creates friction, which results in high moisture content in the extensions. As a result, they break or lift and get damaged. For such reasons, it is imperative to avoid brushing the extensions when they are wet.
  3. Using Hair Drying Products – One of the common reasons of damaging the extensions is drying them with use of artificial hair drying products. Excessive usage of such products can make the extensions brittle and dry. As a result, they will suffer from breakage, tangles, and will lackluster and shine.
  4. Using Chemical-Based Shampoos – It is important to ensure that your hair extensions are clean and dust free. But excessive shampooing or using harsh, chemical-based shampoos can damage the extensions to the extreme level. Shampooing the hairs often makes them lose their natural moisture. It is therefore essential to cleanse your hair extensions once in a week using a mild cleanser.
  5. Following an Improper Extensions Maintenance Routine – It is the duty of your hair stylist to educate you the ways to take proper care of your extensions. It is essential to follow a daily routine so that your extensions stay from all types of damages. Using a heat protectant before styling or using gentle hair care products are some of the ways that you may adapt to take proper care of your extensions on a daily basis.
  6. Prolonged Exposure to the Sun – Just like your skin and natural hair, even the extensions need adequate protection from the harmful sun rays. It is because the UV rays from tends to extract all goodness and moisturizer from the extensions. Prolonged exposure can even result in severe damage leading to breakage and fall of the extensions. So, if you need to go out in the sun for a long time period, then it is essential that you cover your hair with a scarf or silk cloth.
  7. Sleeping with the Extensions – If you are sleeping with your extensions, then this can be another great reason for their damage. Sleeping with the extensions can cause tangles, breakage, and intense damage. It is therefore suggested to use temporary extensions that you must remove before sleeping. If in case there is an important need to sleep with them, then you must tie a loose ponytail of the extensions.
  8. Using Harsh Glues to Stick the Extensions – It is essential that you use high-quality extensions that look natural and that can stay in place for a long time. But if you use too harsh glues to stick the extensions then this can damage your extensions as well as natural hair. The best way is always to get the hair extensions job done from an experienced hair stylist.
  9. Using Alcohol based Products – Alcohol can damage hair extensions to a severe level. If you use alcohol-based products, then they can damage the texture and appearance of the extensions. They will make your extensions appear frizzy, damaged, and brittle. For such reasons, it is important that you use products that are free from the alcohol content. Always see the description and only then buy the product.
  10. Environmental and Lifestyle Factors – First, if we talk about the environmental factors, if you are living in an environment with high pollution level, then definitely this will impact the quality of your extensions. Also, if you follow a rough and tough lifestyle where you throw on your bed with your extensions, then even this can damage the extensions to a great extent. so, to ensure that your hair extensions stay away from these damages it is essential that you follow a healthy lifestyle and protect our extensions from harmful external damages.

Hair extensions can add beauty and appeal to your personality. If you wish to retain their beauty for long, then make sure you take proper care of them and protect them from the aforementioned reasons of hair extensions damage.