Black Tourmaline Meanings and Uses | Black Tourmaline Healing Benefits

Author: Prime Agate

Also called churl, it diverts negative energies instead of absorbing them; therefore it is an excellent protector against negativity, psychic attacks, and enchantments and bad wills.

It will never allow you to be victimized by the negative energy of another. It is magnificent against the radiation of mobile telephones, the electromagnetic mist or to divert the influence of the geopathic lines of the Earth.

It connects with the chakra base or Ruiz, establishes energy, energize, increases vitality, helps volatile people to land or accept the incarnation, helps you to develop in the concrete world, disperses tension and stress.

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You can carry it in your left hand, left the pocket or as a jewel when you know that you have to see them with dense or heavy energies. It helps us to generate a field of energy that immunizes against influences that attack the body and the mind. It also serves to neutralize negative energies of their own, such as anger, jealousy, insecurity or neurosis.

The vibrant black reflected by the Black Tourmaline is a resplendent color. It will attract to the body the spiritual forces or everything that happens in a therapy of crystals or Reiki, positive so that it is implemented in the life of the person.

With the black tourmaline wands, one draws all the negative energy directing it downwards, to the feet and putting tourmalines in Ruiz, knees, feet and an Aventurine in the background so that it recycles all this energy. Cos these black wands one low of the crown chakra the light towards the raise when it is shot down. On the enteric body or other subtle bodies, a black tourmaline wand moving in circles to the left will release locks, limits or oppressive energies. Assist with 3 transparent quarts with the tip towards the block zone to optimize the release and cure.

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Tourmaline is a devotee of light and works hard to bring the world more and more light and so will be in your life when you spend time with her. She gives us the courage to live in this world, to weigh the shadows with the light, to overcome difficulties and to overcome the darkness with Light. It helps us to be in this difficult time of the world, in the midst of all the electromagnetic, mental, emotional and spiritual contamination and guides us with spiritual consciousness to be light warriors here. It impels us to make the light grow, to plant seeds in the hearts and minds of others and know with certainty that a day, like everything that is sown with love, will flourish.