Shed Weight with Exercise Bike Program
Who really would not want to appear fighting fit? None, actually. It is the desire of every person to be of the right size and appear fit. Slipping into a pair of jeans and tees can be enjoyable or harrowing, depending on the fitness levels of the individual. When the midriff of the individual starts growing to sizes that are out of control, it is time to kick in a weight loss program for better health and appearance. In combination with the right diet, it is possible to get into shape with the help of an exercise bike. Here is how it can be achieved.
A total of 30 minutes per day to start off
It is important to train on exercise bikes for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. This is essential to kick start the weight reduction program. While some individuals may be in a position to workout for 30 minutes continually, others may not be able to work out for 30 minutes in one go. Sessions can be broken up into smaller sessions of around ten to twelve minutes with short gaps in between. The period of rest should never be long. A long period of rest will not offer the best results during workouts.
Workouts at high intensity
It is important to workout at higher intensity for better results. Gradually increasing workouts to include higher intensity workouts help to bring faster results. The move from beginner to different levels needs to be staged properly, without leaping from one level to the other at whims. One of the most important aspects of workouts is to hit the peak at the right time. It is better not to burn and give up altogether. A steady increase in workout will also increase involvement and make the sessions more enjoyable.
Adequate warm up prior to workouts
Though it may be appealing to just jump onto the exercise bike and start pedalling away, it is important to warm up prior to workouts. A proper warm up is as important as the exercise itself. Regardless of the time of the workout, i.e mornings or evenings, it is important that sufficient time is spent warming up.
Improve heart beat rate to healthy levels through cycling
One of the important requirements for better health and fitness levels is to increase heart beat rate to healthy levels. Beginning with around 60 percent of normal heart beat rate, it is important to gradually step up the workouts so as to achieve a heart-beat rate of around eighty percent. This will help in the overall contribution of better health. Exercise bikes are a great way to get into shape. With no risks involved, exercise bikes actually help to work out every part of the body.
With the right exercise and a balanced diet, it is possible to get into shape and into clothes of choice, without looking or feeling uncomfortable. All that it takes is commitment and discipline to achieve fitness.