3 Ways to Use SEO for Your Online Business

Author: Albert Lee

Search engine optimization helps a website in gaining the top slots in a search engine and it is the key to success of any online business. The target audience should be able to locate the website easily. Using a SEO plug-in helps in doing this in Wordpress. Adding keywords that are most popular to search engine snippet also helps in this. However, most of the competitor websites use this strategy. SEO is the chief weapon to increase your business and compete with others. Using the latest SEO trends is very important. You should know the SEO technology in trend. Following are some advanced SEO techniques that will help advance your business.


The internet users feel more secure by using encryption boxes while dealing with sensitive information for security purposes. Google ensures this is by using HTTPS on a secure site. The HTTP alone is not secure. Thus, business owners should use the HTTPS on their websites by buying and using an SSL certificate.

Paid Search

A paid search helps in increasing the granularity and control of Google. It is the latest trend in online marketing. Business owners can use this technique. Google Campaign Experiments and Drafts is also a good way to promote a website. Ad copy and rotation are used in this. Bid strategies are used for optimizing a campaign. Audience targeting is done to target specific people using tools such as Customer Match. It also involves removing negative audience that is unwanted.

Using Voice Search

Siri is the latest platform used for voice search in iPhones these days. Amazon is using a virtual assistant like Alexa and it shows how popular voice search is. Cortana is used by Microsoft. In 2016, a large number of searches on Google in a mobile were done with voice. It is presumed the percentage of voice search will go up to fifty percent in 2020. The method of a voice search differs from the usual searching by word typing. Thus, the SEO techniques may also need to be used differently. This is especially important for local search traffic. Therefore, you need to adopt the latest SEO using a technology of virtual assistant if you own a business.

The first step towards this is to know how a voice search varies from the present typed search and to make the necessary adjustments and changes to adopt a voice search. Long sentences and conversation style is used in a voice search. The voice queries look like a question. It is usually used in mobiles with a local focus. The questions used in a voice search should be optimized. Similarly, the long keywords need to be optimized. The tone of the regular keywords should be changed to a conversation style. If there is a FAQ page that can include the queries and questions asked in a voice search, it will be an added advantage. The digital assistants should use micro data based on a query that includes location and contact number, price, and direction of a business.

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Author Bio:

This article is written by Albert Lee. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on SEO link building.