Avoid car accidents with parking sensors
Every single day, people read trolls and memes on the internet regarding how some John Doe rammed his car into a pole while parking. Is it funny? Maybe for a moment…but it could very well happen to you too, if you are not careful while backing your car out of or into some tight spot. With cities getting more and more congested each day, parking is a Spartan challenge which requires experience and a heavy resume on driving skills. While all of this is true, some assistance is certainly a welcome help if the car itself is willing to participate intelligently in guiding the driver to park perfectly. Parking sensors are THE accessory that you are looking for if you desire parking assistance in difficult spots. Here is how you can avoid car accidents with parking sensors.
The most important assistance that parking sensors provide the driver is an extra set of eyes at the back, facing the other way. The sensors sense and communicate to the driver any physical hurdles in the way of the parking trajectory – for example, poles, bins, curbs, debris, parking meters and other things. The driver can manoeuver the car accordingly.
The second most important thing a sensor does is ring alarms when a collision is imminent. If your attention is elsewhere while parking (when it really shouldn’t be, but it still happens sometimes), the sensor will keep measuring the distance between your car and the obstacle, and will make the alarm go off when there still is braking distance available between your car and the obstacle. Some ingenious innovators came up with the idea of increasing the alarm frequency, volume, and intensity as the distance between the obstacle and the car reduced to riskier levels. The alarm gets you to turn your attention to what’s happening behind you. However, it is advisable to keep all your senses with the parking manoeuvre even if you have the assistance of this blaring sound.
The third function, more like an accessory coming with the parking sensor, is the absence of manual activation. Manual intervention sometimes leads to misadventures and, therefore, it is something which is not required where accident-free parking is desired. With parking sensors, as soon as your gearstick shifts into "reverse", parking sensors are activated – without fail, each time. It is not something which requires the driver’s permission. It is like a machine, like all the other functions of a car that happen in the background and you don’t notice. Like A leads to B.
The world has become a tad safer with the addition of parking sensors. For one, at least now you won’t end up dashing the car behind you in the parking lanes (and having to put up with the hassles that come with it). Use parking sensors, stay safe!