How Detox Treatment Switzerland UK Can Benefit Your Body

Author: Yogeet Kapoor

Traditional ayurvedic medicine is a powerful tool when learning how to detox your body. It is especially recommended for treating fertility related disorders, and infertility (both male and female) and weight loss treatment Switzerland UK. It can produce results with chronic conditions where all other modern methods fail to help. When combined with a detox diet it can make noticeable improvements to an individual’s health and well being.

Ayurveda Geneva UK detoxes techniques ancient Indian system of health care and, is based on the idea of balance within the body. There are three primary doshas - kapha, pitta and vata - of which each human being has different degrees in their bodies and personalities, and treating symptoms of un-wellness involves balancing the doshas. A detox diet forms a part of this system that you can follow independently or as part of an overall body cleansing detox process.

Ayurveda is a complete holistic system which needs to be followed under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Detox Treatment Switzerland UK is the main method of detoxification is called Panchakarma. It works on several levels namely first that is your diet is cleared out and cleansing foods such as kichari (made from basmati rice, mung beans and vegetables) are administered.

There are herbal liver detox supplements which are given to cleanse the bowel and flush out toxins from the liver, blood, sweat glands and skin. However it is important to undertake this treatment only under an ayurveda practitioner as these supplements are specifically designed according to your dosha balance.

Have you heard about body cleansing with Nasya? Otherwise known as nose cleansing, Nasya is active part of Ayurvedic body detox that many people undertake for complete detox benefits. The treatment involves flushing herbal and medicated oils through the nose and sinuses, in one nostril and out the other, to cleanse the root cause of ailments in form of toxins from the head and neck. This treatment offers effective results for those suffering from headaches and migraine, nasal allergies, sinusitis, poor memory or eyesight, and certain neurological conditions.

There are immense benefits of Ayurvedic body detox diet techniques that help individuals suffering from obesity. For people who have undergone several detox treatments they had significantly lower levels of toxins and other harmful chemicals in their blood stream.

Panchakarma in Switzerland UK is offered by L’essencce Holistique center of ayurveda. L’essencce offers panchakarma based on 5 therapeutic means of eliminating toxins from the body such as Vamana(Inducing vomiting), Virechana (inducing purgation), Nasya(installing medicated oil in nostrils), 2 Basti therapies(enema or colonic irrigation with herbal decoctions or oils).