Why You Should Use an LED Tactical Flashlight to Protect Yourself
An LED tactical flashlight isn’t like any basic flashlight you can buy at a regular store; it is an innovative, durable, tough piece of technology that is usually used by emergency personnel, the police and even the military.
This is why an LED tactical flashlight can also be used as a weapon to protect yourself – here’s why you should use your LED tactical flashlight as a self-defence weapon.
To Light up The Dark and Avoid Being Surprised – Attackers love to hide in dark areas and attack when you least expect it. Don’t give them this advantage, if you are walking alone and you see a dark area or corner, shine and see what could possibly be hiding there. Always having an LED tactical flashlight means getting surprised by an attacker isn’t an option.
Shine into an Attackers Eyes – Potentially blind at attacker for a few seconds by shining your LED Flashlight beam directly into their eyes. Not only is this painful, but it gives you that small window of time to run away or fight back if you really have to.
A Flashlight is Acceptable to Carry – You can’t walk onto an airplane or go shopping at the mall with a knife or gun in your pocket. However, having a LED tactical flashlight with you is acceptable and you won’t get any trouble for carrying it around in public.
No Special Training Needed – Do you know how to hold a flashlight and press the button to switch it on? Then you know how to use a flashlight and you can protect yourself effectively – there is no need for special training!
It Doubles as a Weapon – A lot of LED tactical flashlights are manufactured with hard ridges, casing and edges, making them double as a pretty dangerous weapon. If there ever comes a time when you have to fight back, do not hesitate to hit your attacker as hard as you can with your LED tactical flashlight.
An LED Tactical Flashlight is Discreet – What would the people around you say it you were sitting at a restaurant and you pulled out a huge knife or gun from your handbag? These weapons will attract attention to yourself and may even scare the people around you, so stick to an LED flashlight and people will think nothing of it – this will also catch an attacker off guard!
Versatility – Your LED tactical flashlight isn’t only handy for fighting back, it is versatile enough to light up the dark when the lights go out or if your car breaks down. Plus if you are ever in an emergency situation you can signal for help.
Choose an LED Tactical Flashlight that you can rely on – visit the Klarus website and choose from the wide range of durable and innovative LED tactical flashlights, all at an affordable!