Money Saving Tips When Working With a Printing Company

Author: Peter Sagan

Working with a printer is inevitable for any business and it is important that you choose a professional company that understands your needs. Printing promotional material can be expensive in the long run so a few money saving tips should help you tighten the proverbial belt and get the best value for money without compromising on quality.

Negotiate a Good Rate

The first step is to negotiate a good rate especially if you are making bulk and frequent orders. Getting cheap flyer printing every time you make an order can pile up to significant amounts in savings. It is also worth comparing rates just to make sure that you are paying fair market price. Most of all, do not compromise quality for price so watch out for printers who offer ridiculously low rates.

A great time to negotiate your rate is when you are just about to renew your contract with the printing company.

Consider Flat Sizes

Some sizes waste space while others are efficient meaning lower cost per job. Work with your in house design team to pick a paper size that makes sense for the project and also saves space. Also ask your printer for recommendations and make the appropriate changes where necessary. Adjusting one or both dimensions can make a world of difference in terms of savings. Order Only What You Need

Your printing company may be offering a great deal on envelope printing UK but that's not a good enough reason to order a year's worth of supplies. First, think about where you are going to store all the excess material. Secondly, a lot can change within a year including minor and major details printed on the envelope. That means that you have to reprint everything from scratch paying double what you should have paid in the first place. Order only what makes sense even when the printer offers an irresistible deal for bulk printing.

Get Organized

You definitely want your printing to go smoothly and so does the printer. Getting organized allows the printing company to do its job and reduces the chances of an error that requires reprinting. Proof read all written specifications several times before sending to the printer. Include as many details as possible so the printer doesn’t have to call you every so often to find out bits of information.

Send In Orders in Good Time

It is definitely convenient to have a printer who offers quick turn around times but you still need to send in your orders as early as possible. Emergency takeaway menus printing or printing jobs with less than three days turn around time will definitely cost you more.

These are just a few tips to help you save money on business printing services. Use the same printing company for all your needs to ensure consistent quality, accountability and smooth process and delivery.