Experts warn about India becoming the ‘Diabetes Capital’; healthcare sector should be ready for it

Author: Lungs Sleep

Diabetes is not a problem limited to India, but it is rapidly becoming an epidemic worldwide. However, as compared to other countries, India is particularly at risk because most of the patients fall in the low and middle-income grade.

When a patient visits the Diabetes specialist in Pune, it is critically important to know for the doctor about the lifestyle and food habits. Based on that, treatment method can be decided.

Uncontrolled diabetes impacts the quality of life and loss of productivity. Patients are required to go to the hospital multiple times.

Complications caused by diabetes can be severe ranging from heart troubles, loss of vision, nerve damage and kidney failure.

Thankfully, proper treatment and right medical care can manage all types of diabetes effectively.

Healthcare sector in India shows a remarkable improvement

Like all other areas, there has been a terrific enhancement in the healthcare services and treatment methods in India. Public and private hospitals offer world-class treatment and diagnostic services.

It is estimated that the total worth of the Indian healthcare market is around 100 Billion USD that includes hospitals, healthcare centers, diagnostic centers and nursing homes.

As the GDP is rising year on year, there is a tremendous scope for improvement in the quality of services.

Experts fear that India is going to be the ‘Diabetes Capital’ very soon which means the maximum number of Diabetes patients will be there in India.

The number of people visiting a Diabetes specialist in Pune will increase manifold. Hence, it is important to focus more on the Diabetes care.

Along with the development of state-of-the-art infrastructure for chronic diseases and life-threatening ailments, it is equally important to develop diabetes diagnostic and treatment centers as well.

Awareness is the key factor

It is a reality that there is very low awareness about Diabetes in our country. Especially, in the rural areas, the situation is further critical. Due to unawareness and carelessness, the severity of the problem increases rapidly.

Experts emphasize the need of creating Diabetes Awareness Programs amongst people of all age groups. Since it is possible to get Diabetes at any age, each one of us is under the risk.

Hence, the symptoms and signs of Diabetes should be talked about frequently.

It is hard to believe, but Diabetes has a social stigma attached to it. People don’t believe or accept the fact that they have diabetes. The denial mode persists for quite some time.

Therefore, health coaches should be trained to educate, console, and comfort the patients to accept the fact.

It is easier said than done, but the healthcare professionals should make it possible by putting their best efforts.

There has to be a balance between medication and lifestyle modification. A large number of diabetes patients can be cured by just tweaking the lifestyle a little bit. Improved diet, regular exercise and stress management can do miracles in several cases.

Correcting lifestyle and taking the right medicines can create wonders in treating Diabetes.