Nursing Home Costs in China
Nursing homes are residential facilities that are designed to provide long-term nursing care. These facilities primarily help senior citizens who have long-term medical problems. They also provide help to folks of any age who are convalescing from an illness. The nursing home cost basically varies to such an extreme that it is necessary to break the issue down into subsections. Usually, there 4 different types cater which are for different kinds of needs and thus will have different nursing home cost.
Nursing Homes
Kaijiancare nursing homes will have facilities for personal care, but with an added dimension of medical care too. These nursing homes generally have qualified nurses, which apparently pushes the nursing home cost up. Generally, for the standard nursing privately it will cost high amount compared to the partially private nursing home, but still considerably pricey.
Residential Homes
Kaijiancare residential homes are a type of nursing home where personal care is provided but without the need for expensive medical treatments. In these, a nursing home cost is slightly low, however as they usually provide 24hrs care, still they are expensive. This is a significant impact on even well-established retirement funds. Medicare will only be able to offer you so much assistance and you must, therefore, assume that you will be paying the majority of these cost yourself.
Dual Registered Homes
Kaijiancare dual registered homes basically are designed specifically for the elderly couples, mainly who need to stay together, but they have different ranks of medical needs. Generally, these nursing care will often have a set number of beds marked as 'for residential' and also a set for 'nursing'. These are more complex to run and must provide two levels of care, which does impact on price. However, the costs will vary depending on the needs of the couple in question. Again, the nursing home cost will also vary which will depend on whether one is in private or either partially private care.
Dementia Care Homes
The final type of nursing home is the Kaijiancare dementia care home. These homes generally specialize to care for the people with mental problems rather than the physical injury. This comprises dementia, Alzheimer's and also varieties of other mental conditions. These cares usually quite expensive because of the level care needed in order to ensure that the patients are examined at 24hrs. The nursing home cost of this care varies. Read more about nursing home cost: