How to Find Out if a Car Accident Lawyer in Texas Can Help You

Author: Ohare Lawfirm

When an automobile accident happens, picking up the phone to contact a car accident lawyer in Texas is generally not one of the first thoughts that pops into victims’ minds. It should, however, be a priority in the hours or days after a collision occurs. Having a car accident lawyer on the case can make navigating the road ahead much easier for victims while also ensuring that they are not taken advantage of by insurance companies that will no doubt be involved.

Car accident victims are often unsure whether an attorney can help them. There are a few ways to gauge if making the call is the right one

  • The accident was someone else’s fault – If an injury has resulted due to someone else’s negligence, a car accident lawyer in Texas should be consulted. Having an attorney on the case can help victims protect their rights, ensure they receive the medical attention they are entitled to and can also help ensure that a fair and equitable settlement is reached. Insurance companies – even the motorist’s own – will work to hang onto every dime possible. A personal injury attorney will work to ensure victims receive the compensation they are entitled to.
  • A settlement has been offered – In some cases, insurance companies will seek to reach settlements very quickly, often lowballing the amount victims may be entitled to. Accepting a settlement without consulting an attorney to make sure it is fair is generally not advised.
  • Injuries are extensive or likely to be permanent – When serious or permanent injuries result, it behooves victims to make sure they receive all the compensation they are entitled to. This is especially so if lost wages, high medical bills and loss of ability to earn an income has resulted. A car accident lawyer in Texas can help mitigate victims’ losses to protect their financial futures.
  • Going in for a free consultation – Most car accident lawyers in Texas and elsewhere offer free consultations. This is a surefire way to determine if legal assistance makes sense under the circumstances. During a consultation, an attorney will receive the merits of the case and help victims better understand their rights and the compensation they may be entitled do. If a victim is unable to travel to an appointment, most attorneys can make arrangements to meet with them in the hospital or at home.

When an accident results from someone else’s negligence, victims have rights. A car accident lawyer in Texas will work tirelessly to help protect those rights.