How to take care of your feet if you are a runner?

Author: Sj Feet1

Our feet have to endure so much beating from running, particularly if we run high mileage or train for a marathon. Every step pushes all our body weight onto a single foot. The truth is, a commitment to running should not be a commitment towards battered and painful feet. In fact, you can easily enhance your performance and enjoy running more by taking good care of your feet. Here are a few tips that will help you take care of your feet.

Always wear the right shoes:

While as a runner you already know the importance of wearing the right shoes, with the popularity of specialty running stores, most runners now have access to gait analysis and advice about the right way to pick proper running shoe. It is important that the kicks provide enough room so that all toenails are properly spaced and the appropriate amount of stability for smoothing out any issues with your stride.

Also, the shoes we wear the whole day matter just as much as the ones we put on while running. Footwear such as, flip flops that don’t offer arch support can only make it worse for our feet. In case you are prone to injuries related to the foot, unsupported footwear can only lead to injury.

Invest In Best Quality Socks

Non-wicking and ill-fitting socks can lead to blisters. Poor fitting socks will cause your shoes to brush against the ankles and the blisters can make running difficult due to pain. Socks that are non-wicking will not let your feet breathe, consequentially creating a wet environment leading to foot fungus and athlete’s foot.

Go Barefoot:

This does not mean running barefoot. However, Pilates, yoga and weight lifting can strengthen foot muscles if you keep the restrictive footwear away. When lifting weights, you would want to keep your shoes due to hygiene, so decide to wear lightweight shoes that permit your feet to move freely and with stability. This will assist you in engaging the muscles within your ankles, feet, and calves. Also, do a lot of squats and lunges to create powerful, strong, injury-proof feet.

Pilates and yoga can strengthen and stretch the feet, particularly if you do the poses barefoot or by wearing socks. When holding a tough yoga pose, the muscles of your feet stabilize and contract to provide a solid base.

Reduce Swelling

If you pound your feet for several miles against the pavement, you will end up altering your circulation and cause swelling in your feet and ankles. This swelling may get uncomfortable, particularly if you spend the whole day on your feet. To lessen swelling, lie down and elevate your feet immediately above the heart.

With just a little effort you can keep your feet looking and feeling wonderful. Running will no longer lead to injuries or feet that look deformed.