Novelty Toilet Seat – Why buy One?

Author: Joe Carrow

Upgrading or remodeling any room in your home is serious work – and that includes the bathroom. We all would like a nice looking toilet or bathroom. Thinking of the various themes, color combinations, concepts and other things always takes time if the right result is to be achieved. Therefore we can get the room looking as professional as we can.

However, in some cases, we lack that personal stamp on the room. Just that something that tells everyone ‘this is us’. In striving to make the bathroom look the best, it is possible to lose parts of ourselves to the décor. This is the reason the novelty toilet seat is an item that many people have started buying for their toilet.

Why a Novelty Toilet Seat?

There are all kinds of novelty toilet seats that you can buy – from old cartoons to ones in weird and wonderful shapes. What a novelty toilet seat does provide is a canvas for us to show – ‘this is something about us’, but in a manner that doesn’t intrude to the rest of the room – in fact the novelty toilet seat is usually tucked away out of sight.

Of course there are other reasons to buy a novelty toilet seat – it could be that your design of the bathroom means that finding something a little bit different is exactly what the room needs. A novelty toilet seat is able to provide a splash of color or an interesting detail that may be lacking in the rest of the room.

Some people find traditional toilet seats uncomfortable, which are why a novelty shaped one might be something that will better suit what they want, something they will find more comfortable.

And of course there is the main reason to buy a novelty toilet seat. Nothing to do with wanting to make your own mark, or because you want comfort. The main reason a person would buy a novelty toilet seat? Because they like the look of it.

Different Types of Novelty Toilet Seat

Getting a novelty toiler seat is far from just as simple as deciding you want one. There are a lot of other things to consider. What your budget is, what size your toilet is and much more besides. But the main thing that you need to focus on when choosing a novelty toilet seat is what you like.

There are a huge number of different types of novelty seat so you need to decide which is best for you, which you like and which would best suit the room that you are putting it in.

So what are the various types of novelty toilet seat that are available?

  • Silly shapes. Amazingly this is one of the most popular types of novelty toilet seat on the market.
Seats in silly shapes, either around the edges or even raised parts of the seat itself, have proved to be great sellers – seems some people want a ‘different experience’ when they are sitting down! Often though the shape is more cosmetic – parts sticking out where you don’t use in the shape of animal ears and other such concepts.

  • Cartoon/Art. Another of the big sellers – a novelty toilet seat with art is something many people consider for their home. This, more than anything else, can be very personal. Whether it is a cartoon strip, or a favorite super hero, or even a classic piece of art, having your toilet seat show it is certainly a unique way of displaying the sort of art that you like.
  • Something different. There are plenty of other types of novelty toilet seat. From inflatable seats to ones that play a tune (or a recorded message) when you sit on them. What matters is that you find something that you like – the more unique the better as far as we are concerned!

So you want to buy a novelty toilet seat? Good choice – that is what this site is all about after all – we want everyone to know the benefits of novelty toilet seats, and to buy some!

We have some ideas for some great novelty toilet seats – just look to the right and the top of this article and check out what is on offer!

Novelty Toilet Seat is all about, well, Novelty toilet seats The entire point of this site is to educate you in the plus points of getting such seats.

We want you to get the bathroom furniture you can, to enjoy the bathroom as much as you possibly could. Which is why we are singing the praises of novelty toilet seats, so that you get what you deserve!