What is the difference between WAMP and LAMP

Author: Dhrumit Shukla

The world of technology continues to evolve to meet the also evolving demand of people all over the world. Along with so many changes and updates, there are also hundreds of names and acronyms of programming languages, including the WAMP and LAMP.


WAMP is refers to a set of free and open source apps, combined with Microsoft Windows, that are used commonly in web server environments. WAMP stack offers developers with the four major elements of a web server: an operating system, web server, database and web scripting software. The combined use of the programs is called a server stack. In the stack, Microsoft Windows is the OS or operating system OS, Apache is the web server, MySQL handles the database components, while Python, PHP, or PERL represents dynamic scripting languages.


LAMP or Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP server is one of the most critical servers one could ever set up. Versus WAMP, both are there on the way and running, but is a unique at it is best used when wanting to use the PHP framework where mostly needs composer and other Apache server settings. LAMP is an open source web development platform which uses Linux as the operating system, Apache as web server, and MySQL as a relational database management system and PHP as the object-oriented scripting language.


  1. Simplifying installation, configuration and maintenance. WAMP is installation is very quick and easy. It only takes downloading the executable file, running it and then following simple instructions. Furthermore, WAMP also provides an intuitive interface for configuring MySQL database server. In simplifying maintenance, WAMP contains a smart built-in feature that checks compatibility between various PHP and Apache web server releases automatically.
  2. Free for all. WAMP was made as an open source project. It has a GNU General Public License or GNU GP. This means that it is free for both personal and commercial use.
  3. Flexibility. WAMP offers an interface to choose various releases of Apache, PHP or MySQL. This is particularly essential when required to replicate the same versions running on a production environment.
  4. Powerful. By combining all of the tree powerful components such as MySQL, Apache and PHP to a single solution, WAMP is truly one of the most powerful engines ever made.
  5. Multiple add-ons available. Multiple add-ons available for WAMP to extend the functionalities. Present available add-ons are available to add various Apache, MySQL and PHP releases into WAMP.


  1. Adaptability and control. There aren’t restrictions to what one could do with LAMP stack, either in fact or due to permitting confinements. This allows amazing control of developing and deploying solutions in a strategy that suits and not the theme of an innovation one is using at that point.
  2. Development simplicity. One could compose capable apps using LAMP stack as a part. In general, this could be achieved only by a few code lines. Often, the code is clear enough that even non-programmers could change or modify in the app.
  3. Security measures. With several hands focused on building the product as well as years of use by an extensive variety of group bunches and clients, LAMP is known as a stable and secure platform. Issues ordinarily are settled fast, and without the need for an immoderate help contract.
  4. Requirement based customization. As a platform, LAMP is open source, thus there have been developed a gigantic pool of extra modules and components that provide extended usefulness. The open source methodology lets one do likewise, modifying usefulness and parts to suit one’s needs.


The major difference between WAMP and LAMP is the operating system. LAMP is for Linux while WAMP is for the windows operating system.


LAMP offers an adequate option to commercial packages and works as a software programs bundle that offer the platform necessary for developing and implementing apps and servers that are web-based. LAMP provides one of the most popular and effective ways to develop enterprise level web apps due to its customization, flexibility and cost effectiveness.


The most critical part of WAMP is the Apache server, which is used in running the web server within Windows. By running a local Apache web server on Windows, a web develop could test web pages in a web browser with no need to publish them live on the internet.

There are differences between the two. Most of the differences are in the resource use by the OS and also in the way that the kernel handles numerous processes. This is more pronounced when using Linux that is server version. In general, the database would perform better under Linux, however, this truly is only an issue with high concurrency.

Definitely, WAMP and LAMP have their differences. However, both could provide effective web development, depending on what one prefers.